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Kidou dragged himself to class that morning. His body was so heavy that it didn't feel like his at all.

When he got to his class, he slumped in his seat and sprawled himself on his desk. Huffing in relief.

Endou and Gouenji eyed each other knowingly before walking over to their friend.

The two of them were at Endou's desk talking about whatever crossed their minds when the dreadlock came in the classroom.

Kidou was not late. But he was not early either. Usually, he is the first one of the trio to arrive but today he was uncharacteristically the last one.

They only got to greet each other before the teacher came in and they had to return to their respective seats.

Kidou was having some trouble following class today. Which was bad in his case. His eyes weighed down and refused to stay open. Not that anyone could even notice thanks to his goggles.

Lunch finally arrived to the relief of every single soul in the school. The break trio sat outside in the shade of the same old tree as always and chatted while eating.

"You really need to rest Kidou,"Endou stared at his friend.

"Endou's right. Stressing like that is taking a toll on you," agreed Gouenji.

"I'm fine." 

"Yeah, sure you are," you could just hear the sarcasm dripping from Gouenji's voice.

Kidou knew his friends were right. He knew that he was being unreasonable but he couldn't help it.

"It's not like you to stress over a test like that. Endou should be the one stressing. But look! He's fine." Gouenji gestured in the goalkeeper's direction.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!"

That's right. Kidou has been on the edge for the upcoming math test. The last one he got a score of 17/20.

He lost three points. Three points! That was unacceptable! Well... at least for Kidou. If Endou could get something relatively close to that, he would've throw a freaking party. It would've been an incredible achievement for him. A miracle.

But for Kidou, it was 'disappointing'. So to catch up, he was studying like never before for that future test. He was stressing so much over it that we couldn't sleep properly at night. He keeps shifting and shuffling in his bed trying to find sleep before giving up and study until morning.

The rest of the day went in a flash and it was finally time for practice.

Endou was pestering Kidou to go home and catch some sleep but he was being stubborn and refused.

The captain and the fire striker were worried for the strategist. Kidou was paler than usual and his movements seemed heavy.

Kidou missed several balls and was getting even more frustrated. This wasn't like him. Not like him at all.

His body felt was heavier and he was exhausted. His lungs burned and his head pounded. His legs were tensed and he was getting dizzy.

"Let's go!" He yelled raising his hand hinting Fudou and Sakuma to do the 'emperor penguin 2'.

They got into position as Endou stood ready in front of his goal. Kidou was unsteady on his feet, noticed Endou frowning as Gouenji watched perplexed.

Kidou raised his leg and kicked the ball which went flying towards the two other players but it curved at the last minute. And missed.


He finally reached his limit and fell to the ground, everything looked blurry. He felt someone holding him and heard voices talking but he couldn't make anything out of it all. And then everything went black.

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