Chapter 11

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 Almost every night since my parents started this social experiment, I stayed in. Or waited patiently in silence for the coast to be clear. It's not easy tonight. There's enough human blood in my system now to tip the scales of a docile vampire. I am restless to the point of anxiety. The thought of spending another long eventless night in this room is tearing me up inside. But where to go? After my big scene with Charlotte, I want that to sink in a bit before making another appearance to the army. And if Taryn is as loyal as I know she is, she'll be with Charlotte now, helping her tame the fanged warriors. I glance out the window. Does it matter that I have nowhere to go? I just need to get out.

And then I find myself outside, with the brisk air kissing my skin as I run aimlessly. I shut my mind off and just run, letting the night guide me. After a while, I realize that I recognize the street I am racing through. I don't know how it happened and I can't explain why but I find myself staring right at Micah's house. Minutes pass and I'm still standing here, staring, frozen in time. With a sigh, I skillfully and silently leap up to the roof of the house and lay down, making myself comfortable. The house is silent inside and all the lights are shut off. The sky above me is sparkling with the light from the stars. And for the first time in weeks, I feel at peace.

Then I hear the slightest sound from inside, the creak of a single floorboard. My ears perk up with alert. The image of Micah's father flickers in my brain. Is it him? I think of the way he acted today, annoyed by the girls, yelling at his son. Trying to intimidate me. The way Micah always seems weary and worn out. How he avoided coming home for days. His father's face was full of anger and free of patience or compassion. He embodies everything I hate about humans. Preying on the weak and acting like he owns the fucking world. When in reality, it would be so easy to take him out of it. My restlessness begins to return. My fingers start to twitch, and I can feel my fangs itch. I could do it. I could drain his blood and do it so quickly and soundlessly that none of his kids would even hear it. I'd be doing Micah a favor. I'm standing now. Micah would be a better parent to his sisters than this petty, sad excuse for a father. Maybe they could finally leave this town. But would I really be helping? Or would I be throwing them into a situation that's way over their heads? My head starts to spin. Why do I even care? So what if his dad is an asshole. It's no concern of mine. I shouldn't be here. Without a second thought, I dismount from the roof of my chemistry partner and pull out my phone, composing a message to Dorian to meet me.

Dorian shows up deep in the woods only a couple of minutes or so after I arrive. As soon as I see him, I run over and jump into his arms, kissing him furiously. Finally, someone I can bite. He doesn't say a word, and he doesn't stop me. We both know what the other needs. If I can't hunt, at least I can burn off my energy this way. Neither of us worries about being quiet and I let the raw passion course through me as I tangle myself with the naked body I know so well. When we finish, I start pulling my clothes back in place. Vampires aren't usually ones for post-sex cuddling. Dorian chuckles in that low growly voice of his.

"I take it the human blood is settling well." He smirks.

"Too well, Dorian." I groan. "I'm slowly growing crazy. Sitting in a classroom for seven hours a day and then sitting in my room all night isn't exactly stimulating. When can I hunt?" I ask him.

"It's still too soon, Kara." He sighs. "What I'm giving you is barely a pint of blood. You can't handle a whole human right now. And since you're of royal blood, you know if you bite a human you have to drain them completely or-"

"Yeah, I know." I snap. "I'm telling you I can handle it." I insist.

"Soon." He promises as he gives me a tender kiss on the top of my head.


When we enter the cafeteria, instead of following Cleo and the girls to our regular table, I decide to go off course. A quick scan around the room shows me my target. Micah isn't alone today, Quaid is sitting next to him, skeptically inspecting his sandwich. They both look up when I reach their table. And from the distance, I hear Emma asking the others what the hell I think I'm doing. And Micah's face reads the same question. Quaid, however, is beaming.

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