Chapter 5: Serendipity

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February 20th, 2007

The fresh air of the forest was welcome any time really, but especially right now. The winter snow had melted for today, leaving the blades of grass glistening and the ground soggy. Though it was sure to come back, it was way too early for winter to be over at this point.

Sweden had annoyed him. Again. Of course, it was easy to blame it all on Sweden since he was simply the loudest of the bunch, but just the amount of people living in the amount of space they had was what bothered him most in reality. Finland just had too many brothers.

''Fin, come on, It's almost time for dinner!'' Sweden burst into his room, shouting so loud that Finn could hear him perfectly even over the music playing in his room.

''Can't you read? There was a sign on the door.'' he gritted, his hands balled into fists as he tried to keep calm. All he wanted to do tonight was relax, not listen to Sweden's annoying voice. And he assumed that Sweden would be able to tell since his body stiffened immediately upon his arrival, he didn't do much to hide his displeasure.

''The one that says 'fuck off'? Sorry, I don't speak Finnish,'' Sweden spoke with a condescending smirk as if he'd just said the funniest thing ever, ''Come on now!''Sweden pulled on Finland's arm, making him follow along with his spastic movements. Running through the hallway with no real time to look around, Finn didn't even notice the obstacle in their path, and due to that, stepped on it.


''Ups- I made him mad didn't I?'' Den remarked insincerely.

Norway only chuckled, ''You're dead. It was nice knowing you.''

''Wait don't say that-''

Fin and Swe finally make it to the kitchen, Fin limping from the pain in his lego-attacked foot.

 ''Hey, has anybody heard from Iceland? Is he coming today?''

''No! And Greenland was supposed to come too... oh...'' Denmark answered sadly.

''Den, Greenland won't come. He never comes anymore.'' Norway patted him on the back.

''Bro...That's harsh'''

'Pfft. Den, you're almost as stupid as Finland in the 50s waiting for Estonia to come visit at this poin-''

Finland brought his fist down on the table, making everything on it jump and his brothers quiet down, but couldn't muster the words to insult Sweden. Instead, he took a deep breath and went to grab his coat.

''Wait, I didn't-'' but Fin didn't listen, just shut the door behind him gently and left.

He tried to stop recounting what just happened as he reached his destination. They don't mean to be rude... they're just like that. Energetic, overbearing and a bit insensitive. 

The small clearing in the forest was always a serene place for him to calm down and think about things. Alone, he had placed a small bench there some time ago, just so his brothers wouldn't know to bother him there, but today, somebody seemed to already be sitting on it. The stranger seemed to be here for a similar reason as Finn, their face was in their hands and they looked exasperated.

Ignoring the fact that he wanted to be alone, he sat down on the other end of the bench, making the person look at him. Surprisingly, he had a grey face, hiding his flag, and his pure white eyes were wide like a deer caught in the headlights. Well... there is only one country who this could be.

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