Chapter 34: Rosalia

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The next day.

We all sat in the living room and nobody said anything.

"Let's go ahead and bury him." Liam said

He walking outside the door.

All of you followed right behind him. Liam stayed up at night diging a hole for Jin with his bare hands.

Jin's body had already been placed in it. You all just had to do the hard part.

Cover him up.

Liam grabbed a handful of dirt and placed it calmingly on Jin's body.

You all took turns until he was fully covered.

"HAZLO NOW !!" You all heard a girl's voice and a group of men came out from the tree's and pointed guns at all of you they circled around you guys.

"Ger on your knees." Said a girl coming out lastly.

She looked really young. She had black hair, deep brown eyes, short, and even tanned skin.

"Do you not understand me?" She asked raising her hands up.


"You fucking hijo de puto!! Did you not learn the movements?!" She said fast walking up to the guy who shot and kicking him in the crotch.

"I-I'm s-sorry rosalia." He said standing still but you could tell he was in pain.

"You're lucky you're a terrible shot." She said.

The bullet hit near Jimin's leg. She came up to him and whispered

"I'm so sorry, Jimin."

She turned to us and said

"I wasn't gonna let you bury him but I felt bad so yeah." She said crossing her arms.

"Did you kill hi-"Liam said walking up to her

But one of her men stopped Liam by punching him. He grabbed onto Liam and sat him on his knees.

"It was you wasn't it?!" Liam said, his face was all red.

"No. I didn't kill him. Though I wish could have with you pulling this act on me." She said getting near to his face.

She pulled out a dagger from her side and put it up to Liam's neck.

"Any of you pull this bullshit and I'll slit your throat open. This is a warning."

"Do this and I'll cut your throat." She repeated.

"What do you want?" Eunbi said looking mad as fuck.

"Are you mad at me? Because I didn't do anyt-"


"Yeah. I am, because I didn't do anything besides the last part. You have something to say?, say it to the Reina" she said clapping her hands twice.

And with that we all blacked out


"Rosalia, I thought your mom said they killed your father."

"Yeah she did but my mom's a chismosa so I don't know who to believe." I said.

They seemed like decent people execpt for that white man.

"What will you do?"

"I don't know I'll see what my mom's plan is and if I don't like it I'll see what I can do." I said reaching out for my radio.

"I can't believe we just met Jimin and Tae-"

"Don't even think about it Sam, I know they don't like us for what we did. Meeting my idols like this isn't what I wanted but my mother told me to do it and if i wanna help them I have to keep her on my side." I whispered and explain to sam.

"I'm with you till the end Rosalia." He said.

"You better be."

I saw our sign to our secret hide out.

"Open up son of a bitch!" I yelled and the doors opened. The first thing I see is my ugly mother.

"Daughter, I'm so glad your back!" She said coming at me to hug me.

"Mom you know I don't like hugs!" I said pushing her back.

"Sometimes I wonder why I choose you, but I guess this is why." She said smiling.

"Yeah whatever, I brought them."

"Good job." She said still smiling like a fucking psychopath.

"The ceramony will be tonight!" People cheered loudly, excited.

Ceramony?! No, no fucking way I'm letting that happen to them.

"Sam, meet me in 5 at the maid's quarter's."

If you have any questions about Rosalia
please ask.

___________________________________If you have any questions about Rosalia please ask

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