Chapter Three!

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After few days passed, momo was in the kitchen when she received the best phone call. She got accepted in a music shop, she will buy instruments and it made her extremely happy that finally, she has a proper job. She will start today, she wore jeans a white shirt and black jacket, so casual and cool. Nayeon was still sleeping so momo landed a kiss on her forehead and headed excitedly to the front door, she stepped outside the door but found a big red box placed on the floor, she picked it up and came back to the living room where she opened it and found two dresses. One white and one black, apparently they were the same. Two luxury pieces that had a crochet overlay top from which flows a long chiffon skirt that adds detail to their unique design.

"Nice dress!" said nayeon as she stepped beside momo, the latter placed a kiss on her cheek as nayeon reached for a card inside the big box.

"YJY Company invites you to join them for a celebration of a new deal there will be a Bach performed by

Mysterious young talented musicians

Thursday, the twenty-five of May

Two thousand seventeen

Seven o'clock in the evening

Cocktails and various type of food will be served

Conrad Hall

Seoul, Yeoida

VIP invitation"

"WoW" momo said lifelessly "She even sent us the dresses like she is forcing us to go!"

Nayeon didn't say anything and grabbed the paper she found in the envelope

"This is Yoo Jeongyeon, I hope you two will come to the party, I will be pleased and happy" she read again "Shall we go?"

"If you want then we will go" momo replied innocently "I am late! Bye!" she side hugged nayeon and rushed to the front door, leaving behind nayeon who felt lonely and useless as she stills can't find a proper job.

She spent her days on social media or watching random TV shows. She even cooked! She was shocked that she didn't forget the pizza in the oven... she prepared the table and sat in the living room. Waiting for her girl to come and finally she did.

She sat recklessly on the couch next to her "First day was exhausting!" she complained "But I enjoyed it, I cleaned the instrument and sold one guitar yeeey!"

Nayeon was watching momo talking and talking about her first day, but sadly her day wasn't as exciting as momo's.

The two were eating silently when momo held nayeon's hand "I love you" she said.

"Suddenly?" nayeon chuckled while momo shrugged her shoulders.

"Everything will be alright okay? You will find a job and we will pay our debts"

Nayeon smiled and kissed momo's hand "Yes we will"

Momo smiled while nayeon looked down at her cold pizza.

"Let's watch a movie!!" momo suggested excitedly but nayeon couldn't join her too but she followed her request and the two sat in the living room. The intro music of the movie just ended and momo already fell asleep on nayeon's lap making her laugh by herself. She abandoned the movie and started to play with momo's smooth hair, soon she fell asleep to while momo rested her head on nayeon's chest, like this, the two slept in each other embrace.

Few days passed

Momo sitting behind the desk in the shop, she was playing with her phone as her boss wasn't there, she heared the door's sound and automatically looked up.

Indecent Proposal [ Namo || Jeongmo ]Where stories live. Discover now