Chapter Ten!

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Unlike jeongyeon and momo, nayeon was sitting alone in the house. Blaming herself non-stop on the mistake she made. She drank and drank but she couldn't get drunk. Chaeyoung, being the good friend she is visited her depressed friend.

"Stop drinking" she prevented her from pouring more whiskey into her cup.

"She didn't want to see me" said nayeon "she sent jeongyeon, I guess I hurt her really bad"

"She saw you kissing someone nayeon-ah and while you were skeptical on her she was loyal to you and you weren't" chaeyoung tried not to hurt nayeon with her words but it's a fact. Nayeon did a mistake and regrets won't bring momo back.

"But I love her so much chaeyoung-ah" nayeon cried "we've been together for three years she is like my other half how can I let her go?"

"You need time, both of you. And I am sure if you two are meant to be together she will come back to you"

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be"

Chaeyoung was impressed she clapped making nayeon laugh dryly.

"Jeongyeon said this to me and I think she is right"

Chaeyoung patted nayeon's back and pulled her closer to her as the latter cried into her chest. She let momo go away... maybe... she will come back to her one day.

Momo's POV


The first thing I did was checking my phone, it was almost ten in the morning and I looked around. Jeongyeon wasn't there and I was wearing my panties only. I am feeling guilty yet I am happy. Nayeon didn't call or tried to apologize. Two days passed and I still didn't hear anything from her.

I got up directly to the bathroom where I took a shower and wore a pink pajama I've found in her closet. I was buttoning the shirt when I heard knock on the door, I turned around and saw jeongyeon. I smiled willingly and the same as her. She walked toward me with her hand behind her back, she was holding a flower bouquet and she handed it to me shyly.

"Good morning" she said and her eyes were focused on me.

I was smiling non-stop, it's been so long since someone gave me flowers. I inhaled the beautiful smell of jasmine and gardenia.

"Jeongyeon-ah who is the flower?" I asked putting the bouquet next to my face.

She sighed "this one" she pointed at the bouquet while I pouted but she cupped my face and pecked my lips "you are the most beautiful flower in the world"

I was looking at her eyes, I can feel her love for me but something inside of me is not allowing me to love her the same way she does.

I pulled her into a tight hug "thank you for loving me and staying by my side" I said and she looked at me.

"you are my true love momo"

I smiled at her and nodded before I went to the bed and placed the bouquet in the empty vase.

Jeongyeon stared at her and looked down, she doesn't know if momo feels the same towards her but she wanted to be selfish and make her love and stay with her.

She sat next to me and held my hand "where do you want to go?"

"hm? And your work?"

"I am a CEO I can skip work for a day or two" she winked at me "shall we go a trip?"

"Hm? To where?"

She shrugged her shoulders "anywhere you want?"

With her finger under her chin, momo thought for a while... being poor was one of her dream killers even now while dating nayeon the latter was busy with her restaurant and she barely had time to momo who too was busy with some musicians she is meeting.

"I always wanted to try that uhm that" she tried to explain and jeongyeon was trying to understand.


"uhm the truck with a room"

"Truck camper?"

"YES!" momo yelled a bit.

"Okay sure" jeongyeon shrugged.

"Just like that?"

"Yes" jeongyeon said confusingly "and it's a thing you want so I will make it true"

Momo's tensed shoulders loosened as she stared at jeongyeon's soft eyes.

"Am I really that precious to you?"

Jeongyeon patted her head and nodded "I am a bit tired, I will take a nap and then let's go to eat outside"

"sure" I smiled and watched her drifting to the bathroom where she changed into a comfortable tracksuit and took a long nap on the bed with me next to her until I felt her whispering to me.

"Wake up" she said kissing my forehead.

I woke up extremely hungry, she prepared a hoodie and pants for me and we headed to what's called our first date.

Few days passed...

Momo is having the best time with jeongyeon, she couldn't believe that in one day she could eat diner and lunch in one of the most famous restaurants in Seoul. But to her, she felt something missing especially when she can't ask about nayeon because of her ego.  

Tonight jeongyeon told her to choose one movie to watch in their room. The latter didn't touch momo since that night as she is making and wanting momo to be more comfortable with her. She came back home around six and headed to the bedroom. Momo greeted her with a hug.

"I miss you" said jeongyeon earning a smile from momo.

"I chose a movie" she said showing tangled CD to jeongyeon who smiled and took off her shoes and jacket and jumped on the bed. She sat in the middle and patted the empty spot in front of her.

"Sit" she kind of ordered and momo compiled and sat between her parted legs and rested her back on jeongyeon's chest.

The two were watching the film silently when jeongyeon wrapped her arms around her and rested her chin on her shoulder.

"I miss you" she whispered and her hand roamed on momo's stomach down to her pants "Don't mind me, continue watching"

"Hm" momo hummed and closed her eyes in ecstasy as the movie was abandoned by the two of them.

Momo's POV

I woke up around eleven. Last night was long yet sweet. I am falling for her I can't deny it. I woke by my phone vibrating under my pillow I answered without looking at the phoner's name.


"Momo" it was chaeyoung, her voice was calmer and colder than usual.

"I thought it will be better if you heard it from me"

"Heard what?" I panicked making jeongyeon wake up.

"Nayeon got involved in a car accident and now we are the hospital we don't know if she can make it" she sighed.

"Nayeonie?" I didn't know that I can cry that easily and looked at jeongyeon next to me and she looked down with a frown on her face...

Nayeon needs me... And I can't leave her. To be continued...

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