Chapter Six!

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Two weeks passed...

We, finally don't owe money to anyone.

Finally, we can live normally and happily without worrying about nayeon going to jail.

But there is one thing worrying me... It's nayeon.

She became weird. She calls me every hour when I am at work, first I was overwhelmed but now I am starting to get annoyed. Why? Why is she doing this?

I was cleaning the instruments in the shop when nayeon messaged me asking me what I am doing and if I had lunch yet. I replied with a 'Yes' but a client came in making me put the phone back in my pocket. It was worth it because he just bought a piano that costs more than 8,000$. Eventually, I left to our home where as soon as I opened the door I found nayeon in front of me.

"Why you didn't reply?" she yelled a bit.

I grabbed my phone and saw more than ten messages and six missed calls from her "Sorry I was really busy, we sold more than two-"

"I don't care about what you bought or sold, next time don't ignore my texts!"

I was in a state of shock while following her to the living room "What's wrong with you nayeon?"

"Me? Nothing! I was just worried about you" she claimed.

"Well here I am healthy and well" I sighed "I will take a shower, I am not hungry"

I locked the door behind me, I usually don't. But I needed time alone. I filled the bathtub with warm water and bubbles I just need to relax. The last two weeks were stressing to me, I feel bad for saying that I feel like this because of nayeon. But she changed... in many ways. Even her kiss is different.

After staying in the bathtub for more than thirty minutes I dried my body and wore my bathrobe, nayeon was sitting on the bed reading a book and I sat beside her and kissed her cheek "I am sorry for making you worry"

She placed the book on the bed and smiled at me "It's okay I was overreacting too" she caressed my cheek "Let's not make anything affect our love okay?" I said. She nodded and kissed my lips softly.

"Guess what" she said holding my hands "We will be able to open the restaurant soon"

"Joking!!! I am sorry I not helping you that much because of my work"

"It's okay" she cringed "You told him that you will quit soon right?"

"Yes he was sad but I will still meet him when I meet the musicians I am so excited for it"

"About that" nayeon took a deep breath "Can't you refuse his request?"

"EHH?" I gasped.

"We are rich now and you will play cello at my restaurant and help me so it's pointless if you met the musicians to make your own music"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I just kept staring at her blankly "You know it's my dream"

"Yeah but" she swallowed her words and smiled "Okay go ahead and do it, I will cheer for you either way"

"Thank you nayeonie" I tried not to sound disappointed. But... I totally was.

Two more weeks passed and as nayeon said, she was preparing the restaurant. The tables, chairs and the equipment everything was done. Even the chefs and the waiters. Everything was ready. Now she was sitting behind her desk calculating what she spent in the last few days and wishing for the restaurant to make a big and be a huge success.

Chaeyoung entered the restaurant and greeted the worker but one girl caught her attention. The girl had short black hair, white skin, and elegant vibes. She rushed to nayeon's office and closed the door behind her.

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