Chapter Eight!

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Nayeon headed to her office followed by me and mina who closed the door behind us.

"She helped me" I stated while nayeon's back was facing me "Why did you come back?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I forgot my phone" she replied.

"Yeah it's with me" mina said handing nayeon her phone.

"And why it's with you?" I said with one eyebrow up.

"Thank you mina" nayeon cut me off and took it from her hand "Can you leave me alone with momo?"

"Sure" mina smiled dryly and left... I don't like this girl.

I kept staring at nayeon who made herself busy with random papers on her table "Nayeon" I called her name once and twice until I yelled it and she looked at me.

"Don't yell" she warned seriously.

"You are making me mad! Stop ignoring me and talk to me!"

"Talk to you? About how her hug was? Or about how she stared at you?"

"She helped me and saved me why can't you be just nice to her and thank her politely?" I yelled a bit.

"Thank her? Thank her? She is taking you from me how can I be so happy or pleased that she is with you?"

I bit my lip worriedly and looked down but she made me look at her "I am jealous and I have the right to be, right?" she said softly.

"Yes but don't put so much pressure on me nayeon-ah"

"I am sorry" she hugged me and caressed my back "Were you scared?"

I pouted and nodded making her laugh. We fight but we easily make up... Our fights are increasing, it's making me worry but at the same time I still can't stay away from her.

Few days passed, momo was meeting some musicians and she plays cello at some random events and she is making some good money and she started to be known in Seoul for 'The Japanese cellist'.

Nayeon, on the other hand, was also gaining popularity as some bloggers are visiting her restaurant and they were writing positive blogs about her and the staff.

She was sitting behind her desk stretching her arms and her shoulders when mina knocked on the door she came in with a bright smile "Tonight" she said pointing her finger at her "let's have a drink together here and let's close early!"

Nayeon rubbed her neck and nodded "Sure! And I will tell momo"

Mina faked a smile, it's not what she really wished but she nodded and left.

Today I had an event at an orphanage I took nayeon's car and drove to my destination. There were some other performers but I was practicing on the stage and many people cheered for me. They were making some acts and performances to make the kids have fun and enjoy some games.

I was walking around and staring at the drawings they hand on the walls until I passed near the president's room just to see jeongyeon coming out of it, bowing non-stop to him and three nuns were following them while smiling proudly. She froze in her place as she saw me and bowed too.

"Momo" she smiled and I did the same.

"Since you know her, let's have a walk around" the president said and I walked behind them. The nun was talking nonstop to me but I was focused on jeongyeon, she was waking differently. Her steps were heavy and short. We arrived at the cafeteria where the kids eat their three meals.

She walked to one table and sat on a specific chair "I used to sit here"

"Yes I remember" one of the nuns said but jeongyeon got up quickly.

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