52) That talk...

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"Ready 1..2..3!" say with a giggle as I'm tossing aiden up in the air catching him as he laughs uncontrollably, I'm trying to put aiden to sleep,it's always hard to put him to sleep he's really chill during day but once it's time to go to bed he's wide awake and jumping all over the place and melina is the complete opposite so I had no trouble putting her to sleep.

"I got the bottle!" Billie says walking in the nursery

"Stop throwing aiden" Billie says with a laugh taking home from me and sitting in the couch

"What its fun" I say sitting next to her

"Yea but you're wake up miss thing then she gets grumpy" Billie says referring to melina as aiden takes the bottle and starts drinking

There's a good moment of comfortable silence as Billie rocks aiden in her arms as he slowly but surely starts to fall asleep.billie was always good with kids her face always lights up when she sees the twins or Delilah and Alana it's the sweetest thing.

As I look at aiden I notice he has a tendency of jerking his head and his eye twitching,and sometimes he even hits himself in the head and I usually ignore the eye twitching and head jerking but when he hits himself I always tell billie about it but she just says that "he's a baby boy,it's normal" but i thinks it's something else when does things like that it always reminds me of when Billie has tics...

"Baby" I say quietly

"Yea?" She says her gaze traveling from aiden to me

"Maybe we should make a doctors appointment for aiden" I say

"For what?" Billie asks confused

"You those little head jerks and stuff just reminds me of your tics" I say fiddling with me fingers

"Your telling me you think aiden has Tourette's"
She says getting up putting aiden in his crib

"I mean yea" I say getting up

"Your being stupid he doesn't have it" billie says Shaking her head

"You act like it's impossible,Tourette's can be passed on you know that" I say

Billie just sighs loud walking out the room

"There's nothing wrong if he does I just wanna make sure he's ok" I say turning off the light,closing the door following her close behind

"Fine we'll make an appointment if you want" Billie says walking away

"Baby stop" I say catching up stopping her

"If he does it's ok,you have it and I don't look at you any less than" I say hold her face

"I know I just don't want want him to go through what I go through" Billie admits

"It's gonna be okay baby I promise" I say hugging her tight

"I just want to go to bed" Billie whines

"You can..after we talk to Alana!" I say pulling her twords Alana's and Delilah's room

"Oh yea..that talk"

"I know I say as I walk in the room to see them in the bed watching elf with the whole box of rice crispy treats

"Where did you guys get this" I ask

"We took it out the pantry" they say giggling

"Haha funny,do it again and your in trouble" Billie says taking it away from them

I just laugh,me and Billie have been getting a little more strict on them because they're growing up,they can't be babies forever.

"Cmon guys it's time for bed,we already let you stay up half an hour more" I say

"we're sleeping together" Delilah says hopping on Alana's back

"You guys are little monkeys" Billie says sitting down on their bed with a little laugh

See Delilah and Alana have their own rooms but they always choose to sleep together,they're NEVER apart and when they are it's not pretty,but honestly I think it's really sweet

"Fine but you better be asleep I'm not kidding!" I say

"Ok mommy" they say laying back down

"Alana we have to take to you" billie says

"Ok" Alana says getting up

"That's not fair I wanna be apart of it!"
Delilah says crossing her arms

"I mean sure bub" I say as Delilah climbs on Billie's back and Alana hops on my shoulders as we walk into our room

"I see why you call them monkeys" I say as Billie and the girls laugh

As we get in our room we set the girls down and start talking

"Ok so Alana,when we say this we don't want to freak you out or anything"

"Ok" Alana says fiddling with her fingers

"Your mom wants to meet with you" Billie says

"You guys are my moms" Alana says confused

"Of course but we mean your old mom" I say


"She wants to talk to you,see how your doing"

"I don't wanna go back to her" Alana says shaking her head starting to cry

"No baby don't cry,your not going anywhere your staying with us,I can promise you that" I say hugging her

"Do you wanna go talk to her for a little,we'll be with you the whole time" Billie says

There's a moment of silence where Alana is thinking and then says

"I guess.."

"Are you sure you don't have to do it if your not comfortable" Billie says

"Only if your there the whole time"

"We promise" me and Billie both says

"Cmon let's get you guys to bed"

Well hey.. I told you guys that this chapter was gonna come out tmmr but i mean oh well.i have a plot twist in mind that I think y'all it gonna like so I'm excited for that..stay tuneddd


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