60) You're ok

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"So what's it gonna be?" I say looking Billie in the eyes

Silence fills the room..

"is it a yes or no Billie" I ask getting impatient


"I obviously want to be with you but I want to live my life without being controlled and monitored like I'm a toddler" Billie says

"I'm not controlling you how many times do I have to say it!" I say defensively

"How many times do I have to say I can take care of myself,you need to just trust me for once" Billie says

"Billie lets be honest who would trust you after you do the things you do" I say

"That's your problem your always pointing out every mistake I've ever made,would you like to be criticized every ten seconds about how fucking horrible you are"

"I'm not criticizing you" I say denying it

"You are!" Billie argues raising her voice

"All you do is make me stressed!"

"All you do is make me feel like shit!"

"I can't do this to myself anymore-"

Suddenly the door opens with a crying Delilah standing there

"What happened baby?" I say rushing to her

"I had a bad dream" she says

Billie comes up to us and bends down to her height

"its ok baby,your ok" she says as she wipes the tears off her face

"come sit" she says as she bring delilah on our bed while we both sit next to her and wait for her to calm down

"You wanna tell us what the dream was about?" I ask playing with her messy curls

"If I tell you, you have to promise you guys won't get mad at eachother" Delilah sniffles

"Yes bub of course why would we" I say

"Because you guys fight all the time.." she says looking down and me and Billie just look at eachother

"I had a dream that you and mama were separating"

"Baby.." Billie says

"It happend to my friend and her parents hate eachother..you guys sound like them when you argue,do you guys hate eachother?" She asks looking at us with glossy eyes

"We don't hate eachother..it's just hard right now" I say giving her a sympathetic smile

"But whatever happens your going we're going to be
ok" Billie adds in Reassuring her

"Cmon let's tuck you back in bed" Billie says picking her up leaving the room...

Great.now the kids know whats going on which is the last thing i wanted to happen..i really dont know how to feel about any of this

All i know is thay i have a huge decision do I stay or go for good...
This was so short ew.srry if I disappointed a better,longer chapter is coming soon!,but lmk what u guys opinion on this.and what do you think Aliyah should do?


Us against the world~Billie eilish ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now