-New Beginnings-

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The sound of Tris screaming pierced my ears.

And then, nothing. 

I bounded into the testing area, throwing open the door that led into it. 

Blood was spewed everywhere, and Tris was nowhere to be found. I fell to my knees and laid there, hearing nothing but the hum of machinery and the chatter of surprised scientists. Eventually, one of the assistants helped me up, but I continued to be speechless.

She was gone, and I was too.

I told her that it would be dangerous. I told her not to do it. She wanted to do it anyway. It broke my heart.

And somehow, I should have known this would- no, this should have happened.

Because now I know. Or maybe I didn't. Because I made the same mistake.

I took a deep breath before pressing that button. I was hoping that it wouldn't happen. Hoping that it would work this time.

But that dream didn't come true. 

The mixed blue and white light pierced the room, and the being floated in front of me, breathing softly. His cold, white hair made his crystal-like blue eyes stand out even more. The singular button on his coat also caught my eye. I scratched my head and smiled, remembering what had happened months before trying to do the same experiment.

Then, he showed his teeth.

Chaos erupted from the room as the being slid something sharp slowly into my upper chest. I looked up and smiled at the being again.

"Time to see each other again, my lovely wife..." Muttering these words, I fell to my knees, tears covering my face one last time before I fell to the side.


The news flickered on the hologram monitor that hung on the wall. I kept my head down and back arched while I sat in the chair, but occasionally took in the information that it was spewing out.

"Here I stand on the European ship, where three citizens crossed 'borders' to the American ship." A picture of two men and one woman flashed on the screen, the reporter ending by stating if you were to ever see them to report them to the police immediately. I shook my head, which resulted in my long, curly hair coming from behind my ear.

"Avrilon," My eyes followed the sound to my father's voice, who looked worn out. 

"She wants to see you now." he muttered, almost a whisper. I took a breath and got up, straightening my shirt out and walking into the room.

The room where my mother was dying.

I sighed and kneeled down to the level of the bed, and everything was silent.

It was just me, my father, my mother, and Maisie laying next to my mother's legs. 

"Listen, I have something for you," said Deana weakly. She reached for the shelf next to her and grabbed a postcard. She placed it in my hand and clamped hers over it. My eyes met hers, both of them filling with tears. 

"Take care of your father for me, and make sure Maisie gets her daily walk. Fix her leg up if you need to. You'll see me again." My head lowered again, and I began to cry heavily. Memories of the good times we had flooded my mind, and the tears wouldn't stop.

My mother had finally passed away.


The ride back home was a bumpy one, but the postcard perplexed me. I took a closer look, only to find out that it was a picture. I smiled for the first time in an hour. It seemed like a simple family photo. It had my father and mother posing in it, along with myself riding on my father's shoulders. It also had them.

Uncle Mark and Aunty Tris. 

My mom told me that they had passed on as well, but their hadn't been a funeral for them. I tapped my finger on the couple, and smiled once more. Flipping the picture over, I read the words scribbled on the back:

She inherits it all, the little princess. -Mark

His signature was messy on the back. Perhaps he was rushing. It made me wonder about what he was doing.

Mark had become a very famous inventor who was always full of ideas, which were converted into inventions. He was the one that invented the SOuND remover, which removed the horrible SOuND headphones off of consumers' ears, along with the nasty virus that was with it. He invented several other things, and he was rolling in the dough in no time. However, he never did it for the money or fame; he just wanted to help people.

"What are you thinking about?" said my father slowly. He was still shaken up, but was handling it well. 

"Just trying to remember what Uncle Mark had said to me when I was at his house all of those times," I assured him. He nodded and smiled, paying attention to the road.

"You want to go out or something? Shopping? Some food?" He asked me, slowly pulling up to a red light. I shuffled in my seatbelt, shaking my head no.

"No, I think I'm going to go to his house. I think... I need to be alone for a little bit." Chris nodded in response and pulled up to the futuristic house. 

"Alright, I'll see you later then." I smiled again and hopped out of the car, dusting my shirt off from all of the dog hair that Maisie leaves behind. My hand slid behind my ear to reveal an earpiece, which I proceeded to throw onto the ground. It klinked against the ground and expanded, stretching out to become a hoverboard.

This was the last thing that Mark was working on. He had given it to me as a gift, but didn't name it. My mind was stuck on thinking of a possible name for it, but none of my ideas hadn't sparked my imagination.

I turned to see my dad waving at me. I waved back slowly and hopped onto it, pulling upwards to take off. The sky was turning to a tint of darker blue as I was riding off, my hoverboard illuminating the sidewalk the darker it got. I sighed, shoving my hands into my pockets.

Time to go see what 'inherit' means...


Well, this is it everyone. Thank you for reading NOiSE, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, I ask you to vote it up or even comment, please. It would really help the book take off. I will try to have new chapters every two weeks, but if not, then there will be new chapters of NOiSE every 1st day of the month. No excuses. 

Anyway, I have to get back to writing. I'm already far behind as is... seeya! ^^

And don't worry, the story picks up in a couple of chapters.


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