chapter ten

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Chapter Ten

I have no words for this

“Do you want some hot chocolate?” Ellie whispered in my ear as he placed me gently on a

majestic purple and black bed, black drapes hung delicately from metal poles that were connected

to the bed. I laid down letting my hair sprawl across the soft cashmere comforter. “No it’s okay,” I

said looking up at the head board of the bed. Little angels and devils were carved into the dark

wood. I looked at Ellie who crawled onto the bed and pulled my head onto his lap. No hot Chocó for

me, he could’ve put some drugs in it or something, I still don’t trust him. “I’m not ready for anything,”

I said softly into his shirt, it smelt good. Hm I just noticed he changed again into a gray shirt and

dark wash jeans. “No worries, I just want you by my side.” he said as he combed his long fingers

through my hair. He pulled me onto his lap and cradled me like a baby. “I thought the Prince of

Darkness never shown compassion,” I said snuggling my face into his shoulder, jeez he smelt so

good. Ellie chuckled, his chest rumbling, “Well yes I shouldn’t but what I told you earlier wasn’t a lie,

I didn’t say it just to get you in my room, I meant those things, and there all true. Every devil… every

person has a soul mate, the one person who makes them good, who is their light. And it turns out

your mine,” he said, as he brushed some of my hair behind my ear. “You’re my light Katherine, I

love you.” he whispered, sending electric shivers down the spine of my back. He’s… mine, all mine,

I’m all alone here but I can bring him down, I take his guard down, all with just my might, he’s mine.

I closed my eyes, I have power no one else could ever think of. “You’re the light to my darkness,” he

whispered. He stroked his finger softly down my cheek leaving a trail of sparks. 

Slowly he tilted my head up and moved his face closer and closer to mine, giving me time to

back away if I wanted to. “I love you,” he whispered against my lips before he kissed me. His lips

felt good against mine, so soft and warm. So wanting. Our lips moved in sync as he pulled me up

towards the headboards and placed my head on a fluffy pillow. He laid down besides me, never

lifting his lips from mine, I grabbed a fist of his hair making sure he wouldn’t pull away. But he was

stronger and pulled away, breathing deeply, both of us just staring at each others eyes as we

caught our breath. What am I doing… I need to get out of here, I was making out with the enemy,

damn it I have a boyfriend for heaven’s sakes. Jeez I think I’m turning into a ho. Ellie’s chest

rumbled, “You aren’t a ho, we’re meant to be together, not you and that scrawny nothing of a kid,” he

said with a joking smile. “He’s not nothing,” I argued pulled away from him, “Hey sorry, sorry I didn’t

mean it,” He apologized, “I’ve got to go,” I mumbled pulling out of his arms and hopping down off

the bed. I looked at Ellie his hair a wild mess making him look dangerous and handsome.

Completely yummy. “No, don’t go,” he growled, his eyes changing to a deep crimson red. However

the color, his eyes still pleading. “I have to, I need to help my friends.” I said slipping my shoes on,

though I never really remember taking them off. “Fine,” he said, and the heart pounding clock began

ticking again, echoing in my ears. Tick tok tick tok. Ellie’s eyes looked pained. “You have seven

hours left, you don’t have long to get out, unless you figure out the riddle, you should know it by now,

I dropped enough hints.” he grumbled, I could see his eyes were shining, full of tears. His head

drooped as he shifted to the edge of the bed. “Don’t leave me,” he whispered, before a flurry of

colourful streaks surrounded me and engulfed my body. I have no words for what just happened. I

might of just caused the whole game to be turned up side down. “I’ll get out of here, one way or the

other, with all my friends.” I promised myself, before the cloud of streaks disappeared and I faced

the four shocked faces of my  best friends. 

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