chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen 


“Oh jeez, I’m scared,” Anthony mumbled besides me, squeezing my hand so hard blood

couldn’t flow into it, “Everything is okay, I’ll be able to grab the rose in a sec then we can concentrate

on having fun on this ride before we get the other roses.” I assured him, looking him in his eyes,

“oh… okay,” he spoke. The cart lurched half up, clicking. Ok this isn’t so bad, I guess. It’s pretty

high. I looked around the park getting an amazing visual of the park, later on we’ll be able to find the

other roses. Down by the ice cream cart near the front of the park. I glanced over to the my right

seeing the rose glitter in the moonlight. I leaned over the cart even though I’m not suppose to and

snatched it up. I barely heard Anthony huff a sigh of relief before, screaming his guts out. The

rollercoaster cart dropped down the track, giving me a weightlessness feeling in my gut. I giggled

and screamed in delight, lifting my arms up in the air. Wind pushed my body back as we glided up

the track, and dropping again. “Kat!” Anthony screamed, I looked over at him. Oh crap! My eyes

widened and I scrambled to help him. His one single restraint, was lifted up from Anthony’s legs.

“The lap bar won’t come back down!” he yelled, digging his nails into the foam of the lap bar and

yanking back, but it wouldn’t budge. I reached over and tried helping him pull the bar up but it

wouldn’t move. Shit! What do I do. The roller-coaster began climbing up a hill at an incredible pace.

The air will keep him back until we drop again. I need to get that lap bar down or Anthony’s gone. My

throat began to close watching Anthony claw desperately at his lap bar. Scratch marks formed on

the foam. I slid as far as I could down my seat and kicked the stick of the lap bar that kept it up.

Slowly it creaked down  towards Anthony’s lap. “Yes!” I yelled smiling and looking at Anthony. But

his face was still fearful.

Before the lap bar could close around his thighs, we dropped a hundred and fifty meters,

“Anthony!” I shrieked and grabbed the top of his wrist. He was dangling off the side of the

roller coaster, tears streaming down his face. “Kat don’t let go please!” he begged over the roar of

the wind. “I won’t Anthony I promise!” I screamed, adrenaline rushing through my veins, I am going

to save Anthony’s life, he’s going to live. “Just hold on,” I said, as I conjured up all the strength I

could. I began slowly dragging him up the side of the cart as we dropped down another hill. “Kat I

love you!” he screamed. 

A camera flashed feverishly, Anthony’s legs caught on the pole holding The camera up,

bone’s in his legs breaking, I could clearly hear it over the wind. “Anthony!” I shrieked, he screamed

the most bloodcurdling scream I’ve ever heard before damn gravity got the better of us and pulled

us apart as the cart began spinning in a huge curl, I twisted my body back, tears flowing freely from

my eyes, as I watched Anthony scream my name falling towards the grass bellow. “No!” I

screamed, something broke… Something inside me broke into a hundred pieces, my heart? No

it’s still beating. My bones? No I can’t feel them. My soul was broken, Anthony was apart of my soul

and my heart, and both ripped into pieces, Anthony’s gone. I cried vicious sobs, shaking my chest

‘till it hurt. I was hysterical. 

The cart pulled to the platform and the lap bar pulled up. I looked at Anthony’s seeing his

painful struggle to stay alive. I sobbed harder and harder, running down the steps and jumping over

the low gate between the park and the grassy shores of a lake. I could barely see anything let alone

focus, all I could think about was Anthony, nothing else. I ran around like a moron looking for

Anthony’s body. I finally tripped over Anthony’s body, I crawled towards him and pulled his head

onto my lap. “Anthony, why did you leave me,” I said no louder than a breath, Anthony’s eyes

fluttered open and he smiled the smile I fell in love with, “We made it Kat,” he whispered looked at

me, but I could tell he didn’t really see me, his eyes were unfocused. “I love you,” he breathed and

his chest wretched up and down one last time before the light in his eyes left his body. “No!” I

yelled, I pulled his head onto my chest. “You promised not to leave me!” I yelled, though it did no

good. He’s gone. I looked to the twinkling sky filled with tiny stars. “I hate you Ellie!” I screamed and

pounded my fist on the soft grass. Tears dropped from my face to Anthony’s. 

Anthony… is… gone… 

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