Pastor's Son

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I moved from one foot to another nervously as I waited outside on the curb. The dim glow of the street lights raining down on me while the time slowly crept later into the night. The sky didn't have the shine of a thousand stars like it usually did, instead when you looked up there was only a sea of black. I could only hope that Father was sleeping heavily under this very same sky.

It wasn't long after that thought that a very familiar silver car pulled up in front of me. A recognizable male in the driver's seat, looking at me through the window. 

I quickly pulled open the car's door and hopped into the passenger's seat. Letting out a breath of relief as I sunk down into the seat knowing that he actually came through for me. 

"So are you gonna tell me why you called me to get you this late at night?" Boun's voice flowed into my ears. 

I crossed my arms over my chest and hugged myself tightly, "What do you think?" Boun's eyes took me in before he grinned, his foot pressing on the gas pedal causing us to take off.

"Finally had enough huh?" Boun said smugly before speeding up a little.

"That's not it, I just have to get out for awhile." I said, propping my elbow on the window sill and resting my head on my hand and staring out the window at the passing scenery.

"So you're eventually gonna go back to him? That sounds really smart, genius idea Prem." Boun said, sarcasm dripping off of every word he said.

"What do you want me to do? You know how much I would love to leave but how can I just abandon the man that raised me?" 

"Prem he didn't raise you, he trapped you and held you back from living your own life." 

I turned my attention away from the window and looked at the driving Boun. The truth of his words hitting me harder than I thought they would.

"Yeah, but he's still my father." I replied.

"Whatever, you didn't call me here to argue. Where do you want me to take you?" He asked, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. 

"You're the one who started the argument in the first place!" I exclaimed, my temperature rising at his words.

"Just tell me where you want to go already, Prem." 

I huffed and turned my gaze back outside. "Just back to your place." 

Boun didn't even bother to verbally reply to me, instead he just nodded his head and kept his focus on the road. Everything was silent except for the soft purr of the engine as we drove off in the dead of the night.

When we pulled up to the apartment complex I unbuckled my seatbelt and pushed open the car door. Boun copied my movements and got out of the silver colored vehicle. His bleached blonde hair flowing slightly in the gentle midnight wind.

"How long do you plan on crashing with me?" Boun asked as he took the lead and showed the way to his slightly run down apartment. It wasn't that the apartment wasn't nice but it was somewhat small and Boun never kept it clean.

"Probably for a few nights, are you okay with that?" I asked as he pulled out a small key from under the door-mat and unlocking the door. 

"As long as your psycho dad doesn't come banging on my door and accuse me of brainwashing you like last time." 

I felt the guilt rising at his words. Ever since my father found out about our friendship he won't drop his theory that Boun is a demon trying to get me to sin. Father took it upon himself to show up at Boun's doorstep and start yelling prayers trying to get rid of the demon. It was probably the most embarrassed I've felt about having him as my father in my whole entire life.

"Well I guess you can expect to see me for at least one night before I get dragged back." I said, stepping into his tiny apartment. 

"I'm only kidding, you can stay for as long as you want. Your dad doesn't scare me whatsoever, if anything it's like watching a comedy show whenever he comes over." Boun chuckled lightly.

I sent him a glare, "I get that he can do some questionable stuff but as I said before he's still my father."

"Yeah but he's not mine."

"What if he was?"

"But he's not so…" Boun laughed at my attempt to make him see through my point of view.

"Whatever, I'm tired." I said, moving past him and heading for his bedroom. 

Boun followed suit. "Who said you were sleeping in my bed?" He questioned me.

"Shut up and let me go to sleep!" I exclaimed, grabbing one of his pillows and throwing it at his head. The pillow missed Boun and instead flew past him, hitting the space beside him. 

"You're not even in PJ's!" He yelled back, picking the pillow from off the ground and throwing it back at me. The pillow hit me square in the chest.

"Well what do you want me to do? I obviously didn't pack any clothes to change into." 

Boun gave me an annoyed look before suddenly brightening up. He moved across the room to his dresser and opened the top drawer, shuffling around inside before pulling out a pair of sweatpants. Throwing those into the bed besides me before he then dug into his closet. Taking out a plain white shirt and throwing that on top of the sweatpants. 

"You can wear these and look super cute in them." Boun grinned happily as he looked back and forth between me and the clothes.

"What am I not cute without wearing your clothes?" I asked smugly while snatching up the clothes.

"Of course not! Prems always looking his best." 

I laughed and went to locate his bathroom. Boun and I have always been like this. Small arguments, funny moments, and a flirtatious atmosphere. It's a repeating process that always stays the same. Honestly I can't tell if were friends or foes most of the time.

Hey! Just letting people know that my updates are not scheduled but I will try to update once a week. Thx for reading this first part to my crappy story!

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