Detective Prem

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Boun's eyes stared deeply into mine, his orbs flickered down at the ground before looking up again.

"So are you gonna tell me or…" I pressed the subject. You see I might come off as someone who easily shies away from problematic situations, which is true most of the time, just not when it comes to certain people.

"Listen I told you that I don't know where the hell that came from!" Boun exclaimed, pointing to the magazine that rested on the floor of the bedroom. A magazine in which contained half nudes of many different male models. 

"It's okay if you're not into girls Boun. I'm being serious here, you can tell me if you're not straight. Just because I'm a pastor's son doesn't mean I automatically think that being attracted to the same sex is sin." I reassured him.

Boun gave me a glare. "I'm not gay. The magazine probably came from the previous owner of the apartment which in fact was a girl." He stated, staring at the magazine like it was pure evil.

I gave him a few skeptical looks before nodding my head. "If you say so." I bent down and picked up the magazine, skimming through the pages with curiosity.

"Do you think I could ever have a body like this?" I questioned Boun, showing him a page that had a very muscular and broad shouldered man with a tight six pack. Boun took one look and burst out laughing.

"Prem if you ever look like that I might start believing in fairies." He grabbed the booklet from my hands and tossed it aside. "Besides your perfect exactly the way you are. I don't ever want to see you change." 

I sighed dramatically, "I know this is just way too much for a normal person to take in." 

"Indeed, now on with it. You said you wanted to talk about something right?" 

"Oh yeah, I did want to pick on you about something." I said, "remember that tiny red stain on your shirt. You definitely were frustrated about it but let's be honest there was more to it. I want to know! Did you get the shirt from a lover? Or was it possibly a family member?" I questioned him.

Boun's happy expression quickly morphed into a rather complex one. I couldn't tell if he was mad or scared, maybe both?

"Listen, Prem, just drop it okay. It wasn't a big deal. It was just a stain that got one of my new shirts dirty. That's why I was so ticked off because the shirt was new."

"Even so it seemed like it was such a big deal." I argued.

"It was a big deal cause I spent a good amount of money on it." Boun fought me on the subject. 

"Okay then why are you being so defensive?" 

"Because you're so nosy about something that literally has no meaning whatsoever!" He exclaimed angrily.

After a few seconds waiting in silence with me thinking of how to respond, I shot back. "All I want is some answers and as a friend I think I should be able to help you when you're bothered by something. That's it." 

Boun scoffed. "You want to know what's bothering me? Well right now it's you thinking that just because you have a title that claims you as a friend that you have the right to know everything about me. You don't! I don't know why you're so damn bothered about my reaction to a stupid stain." 

To be honest with myself I wasn't completely sure either. His composure was different and awkward after I pointed out the stain but it could be because of pure embarrassment that he didn't notice what was on his shirt. It could be a lot of things that don't mean anything at all. 

It's just there's something there that doesn't feel right, like a missing puzzle piece. A tiny fragment of a forgotten memory or...something like that. This is just my gut speaking but something feels strange behind the whole meaning of the stain. I want to know and I know that Boun knows at least something about it.

"Okay! Can we just stop, I'll drop it." I said. Even if Boun does know he's not going to say anything to me as proven through this argument. I'm willing to play detective and search for clues as long as I know what happened with this stain and shirt situation.

 I've been told I was born curious a long time ago, I guess this is where it comes in as my greatest weapon. Detective Prem is ready to find answers!


Hello! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I know it seems like Boun and Prem really do love to fight but just hold on with me. I promise things will get better. I also know Prem's pastor father hasn't made an appearance yet but he will eventually. Thx for reading!

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