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"hisoka?" there was a bit of worry in my voice. the man in front of me way way stronger than me, not only that, i loved him!

"we finally get the chance to fight~" when hisoka said that the memory came back to me. during the hunter exams, hisoka and i would talk about dueling one day... i guess that day was today.

"y-yeah" i was more comfortable with fighting him now. if i really think about it, the reason we're together is because he had an urge to kill me. wait did hisoka really love me- or just really want to kill me?


"you still aren't strong enough to defeat me~"

"you dont think i know that?" i scoffed.

hisoka slowly, yet confidently, walked towards me. i stood in a fighting stance, expecting hisoka to make his move. to my surprise, he took a strand of my hair, and twirled it around his finger, with his other hand resting on my shoulder.

"you're hair is so-" i had grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm, probably fracturing it. why would hisoka put himself in a position in which he knew i would strike?

"how rude y/n-chan~" he pouted, clenching his arm in pain. faster than i could perceive, he swung his fist at my face... in the nick of time i was able to transform it into water. little did i know, hisoka could pack a good punch even with his fractured arm. the arm i had previously injured, simultaneously punched me in the stomach, an area i could not transform since my head was already water. hisoka knew my weakness, and he was using it well. the punched made me cough up a slight bit of blood and i had to take a few steps back.

"bastard." i said under my breath. i swiftly ran up to him and started throwing punches, and kicks. he did the same, avoiding all of my strikes. meanwhile he landed a few punches here and there. suddenly, my eyes noticed an open area. bingo. i roundhouse kicked him. got it! this sent him back a few meters since i had engulfed it with nen.

"so very good~"  he moaned, spitting out blood. in one quick movement i leaped in front of him punching him in the face. YAY!! i felt proud beating up my boyfriend.

he stood up, rubbing his cheek and gave me a grin.

"use gyo my dear~" he said, overconfidently. i hesitated, but did what he said. i hadn't realized it, but hisoka had a string of his bungee gum attached to my shoulder. not a problem, i could simply turn my shoulder to water then it would be gone.

"what!?" i repeatedly transformed my shoulder to water but the chord would not detach.

"my bungee gum," he started slowly walking towards me "its attached to your clothing~" his grin grew even wider. "i figured you couldn't turn your clothing to water therefore it is not a part of your body~"

"damn you hisoka." i desperately tried to detach the string of rubber. no luck.

"if you wish to take it off... you'll have to strip~"

"hmm," i pretended to think "no perv." his smile only grew larger. he was now about two meters away.. he knows what his next move would be.

"suit yourself~" with the flick of his finger i was pulled over to him and he aimed his fist at my stomach. my first instinct was to transform my stomach to water, and i did so. he motioned his finger downwards, and i was slammed onto the floor, taking the air out of my lungs. he didn't even punch me! it was merely a diversion... but in any case, i could not have avoided being slammed.

hisoka was now on top of my body. he pinned my wrists onto the ground.

"still too weak~" he cooed in my ear, biting my lobe as he brought his face back in front of mine. my body was paralyzed. i used gyo to see what was going on, and he had used his bungee gum to basically glue me to the floor! i was almost defenceless. he enveloped his fist with nen and punched me with all his might. i could feel a few bones in my rib cracking and my insides bleeding. i coughed up tons of blood.

"y/n!!!" i heard four familiar voices in the crowd. i  side glanced, and saw that leorio and kurapika had joined gon and killua. they looked worried. i let out a small smile. hisoka needed only one more point to win.

"hmm too bad you wont see your friends again~" damned clown. i was right, he didn't love me. he only wanted to kill me.

"you're *cough* a horrible person hisoka" i said clearly in pain.

"indeed so~" he pulled out two cards. a queen, and a joker. tch. "what if i killed you in front of all your friends?~" i stayed silent. "i would definitely earn their wrath. mhm.~"

"do it" i said glaring daggers at him. this only caused him to smile more.

"oh but i will~" he moved the two cards beside my throat. i kept the evil glare on my face, i mean, i was pissed!

"bye bye~"

-hisoka pov-

i was about to kill the girl beneath me when my movements were restricted. i was paralyzed. somebody was controlling me so that i couldn't kill y/n. my smile quickly turned to a frown when the realization hit me.

"damned illumi." i mumbled to myself and mentally rolled my eyes. y/n was furious and i didn't want to deal with her nor illumi. i wish he'd let me end her precious life.~

i grabbed the collar of her shirt and lifted her up. she was probably in no state to resist, which made my job all the more easier. i placed my hand on her neck, lifting her so that her feet would no longer touch the floor.

-your pov-

idiot. i turned my neck to water and escaped his grasp. maybe he forgot about my ability for a second. i took a few steps back from the atrocious man in front of me. i hated hisoka now. he used me.

we were now meters apart, and the smirk on his face had disappeared. i still have no idea why he didn't just kill me, but i didn't care. i placed both my hands on the floor, trying to recreate what i did in the last phase of the hunter exam. i was gathering up my nen. i could feel it working.

little did i know hisoka had his own plan of action. gathering up nen takes time, hisoka sprinted in my direction and swung his fist at me, i couldn't use my transformation ability right now or it would screw this all up, so i caught his punch. my nen was almost finished gathering up. i leaped back, letting go of hisoka's fist. until my ability was ready, i was completely useless.

"oh y/n-chan, you've fallen into my trap.~" a smirk built it's self up onto hisoka's face. i did not like where this was going. i flicked his finger up, then down, causing me once again to go flying onto the floor. this time, with a much bigger impact. when did he attach his- oh when i caught his punches. DAMN! the floor was now crushed, tiles and cement flying through the air. it left a hole where my body lay, bloody and broken. absolutely broken. i probably wouldn't function anymore.. that is, if im still alive.

a/n; thank you so much for 200 reads <3 i really appreciate it, and it would mean a lot if you could give me some improvement tips or what not. thank you!!

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