Chapter Two: "I'm Not Going Anywhere"

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Shawn's POV

Normally, I sleep sounder than a rock. But this time, since Abigail had broken up with me, I had trouble falling asleep. I was replaying that moment in my head, and though it was horrible, it wouldn't leave. I had actually loved Abigail, but since she left for Uganda, Nothing had felt that different. That day was one of the most stressful days of my life, choosing between Jules and Abigail, saving her from a rising tide, knowing Jules was staring death right in the eye, it sent me into a fit of shivers.


Nothing compared to the relief I felt when I saw Jules for the first time after her encounter with Yin. She was clearly so broken, so weak and fragile, barely keeping it together. When she ran at me and flung her arms around her, a practically picked her up off the ground, because my god, she was so brave and she had almost died, but she was finally safe. When she told me what had happened, I felt lightheaded, shocked. I was in utter disbelief.
This woman is so incredible. Kept repeating in my head. And it was true.

When I got the phone call from her that night, my first thought was to make an inappropriate remark about her calling me so late at night. But then I listened. I had never heard her so afraid. So, concerned. And this time I was going to be there for her. I don't think anything has ever motivated me to get out of bed, but this was different. This was Jules, who needed me. And I was not going to let her do it alone.
When i got there I was shocked. There were no squad cars, no sirens, no shards of grass in the yard, no visible footprints, just what I assumed her house would look like on any given Thursday night.
Oh well. This is Jules, and she needs you. Do what you wished would do to you.
And I knocked.

Juliet's POV
I heard a knock at the door and felt a sigh of relief. He was here. Shawn was here. You're safe now. With all my courage I managed to get out of bed and reach the door and opened it. Shawn stood in the door looking confused, and he deserved an explanation, but suddenly, I couldn't wait.
"Oh my gosh, Shawn, thank goodness you're here." The words tumbling out of my mouth.
"Jules, is everything okay? What's going on? Why do you look like you just got out of bed!"
I looked down, and realized that I was in fact, in my pajamas, no makeup, holding a blanket up to my chest. I looked like a middle-school girl at a slumber party. I could've thought of a million reasons why I asked him to come, but I was so tired, so scared, and it was Shawn, the truth couldn't contain itself, and I started sobbing, right there. The dream came back to me, all of a sudden, my hands in restrains, my mouth covered. Just falling, falling, falling...
That was when a felt two arms wrap around me into a tight embrace, and everything was so familiar all of a sudden, I finally felt mildly safe and comforted, and I felt like I was home. His arms, one around my back and one cradling my head were comforting, and though the tears stopped, I didn't want to let go. I just clung to his shirt, feeling safe. I felt his arms recoil and he placed them on my shoulders and looked me directly in the eye, something I had trouble with.
"I'm not going anywhere," he promised.
And looking at the floor I nodded, completely believing him.

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