Chapter Three: "You Have to Tell Her"

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Shawn's POV
I've never seen Juliet cry before. I've only ever seen her this vulnerable after she was captured by Yin. Truth to be told, I was uncomfortable. I had no idea what to do.
What would you want someone to do for you in this situation?
The old words of my dad popped up out of nowhere. I pulled her into the kind of hug I envisioned my mom giving me the first time I saw her after the divorce. And that turned out to be the best move. Because Jules didn't pull away, or hesitate, or even flinch. She just clenched my jacket and wept. She was reluctant to let go. All I could do was look her in the eyes and assured her, "I'm not going anywhere." She seemed to like that. I put my arm around her and sat down on her couch. Tears stained her cheeks, and the occasional sniffle broke the silence, but other than that, we sat together, using each other as comfort.
This is what perfection feels like, then.
"It was so real, Shawn." Juliet said, shattering the peaceful silence.
"Tell me everything that happened." I wasn't thinking, I wasn't planning ahead, I was living in the moment, something I hadn't been able to do for several decades. She looked up at me, a small smile across her lips, eyes glistening from the small lamp we turned on in the corner.
"You don't have anywhere to be, do you?" She asked.
"Nothing that's this important."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I want to make sure you're safe. I couldn't rescue you when you were hung off a clock tower, it's the least I can do."
"Thanks." she mumbled avoiding eye contact.
"Don't mention it."

Juliet's POV
It was oh-so-perfect. Everything that I had experienced in life somehow couldn't compare to the contented ness I felt now. If cuddling Shawn Spencer was the only thing I needed to do to survive, I'd live past several centuries.
This is what I needed all along. Not reassurance, but physical comfort with someone.
I couldn't think of a better candidate.
"It was a nightmare. It was all in my head. Normally I can deal with nightmares, but this time, my gun was gone, the lights were out, it was the middle of the night, and something wasn't right. I was..." I trailed off, realizing how weak and naive I sounded. I had a nightmare? Great reason to drag someone out of bed in the middle of the night.
"I'm sorry, Shawn. I probably sound so lame right now, it's literally just a nightmare, I should be able to handle this. You should head back home, I should be  able to take care of myself." I started to get up, but something grasped my hand. I turned around and Shawn was looking right at me, gripping my hand tightly.
"Jules. You were just abducted by a serial killer. I know you, you're not fine."
"No, Shawn, I'm okay."
"That's what they all say."
"Shawn, I need to be able to look after myself."
"You don't need to do anything! You were kidnapped, you should be in Witness Protection."
"Shawn, I'm a cop."
He considered his options before taking my hands in his. Staring right at me, I noticed how beautifully speckled hazel they were.
"Jules how would you feel if I left right now?"
It was a fair question, and truthfully I'd feel completely lost, again.
"I'd..." I looked once more into his eyes. They were begging, pleading for a different answer. Then, I remembered the dream, again. Yin's dark face, the cold metal of his gun's barrel against my temple, the ricocheting sound of a gunshot, and it was all too real. The tears came faster, this time.
He pulled me back onto the couch, and I refused to let him release my hand. I cried there into his chest for maybe an hour, suddenly not caring about how stupid I sounded or how weak I was. Because this was Shawn, and throughout all of our 5 years of knowing each other, he had always had my back, always supported me and made me feel like I could be myself around him, and not have to lie about anything.
Your weakest points are when you become the strongest.
My parents old saying that I'd heard so many times echoed in my skull. I had never been able to apply it to life, but his time, it fit flawlessly. I was most definitely at my weakest point, but somehow, now that Shawn was here, I felt like I could do anything. I'd always liked him. Abigail was just a stab in the chest. Sometimes I felt so nervous that I thought my legs would give way. But this time, nothing made me feel better. I had to tell him. It had to be tonight.

Shawn's POV
I don't think anything add me feel more confident in myself. Jules was right here, in my arms, squeezing my hand, as a friend. I wanted this to last forever. I wouldn't ever feel as confident as right now, so I had to tell her. It had to be tonight.

We sat there for hours, having casual conversation, here and there. Truthfully, neither of us minded the silence. Sometimes it was about Yin, the office, or even personal lives.
"Gus wet his pants in the seventh grade."
"Yeah, it was at the talent show, and his "girlfriend" Rebeca was watching, and instead of his tap routine, he wet himself on stage and ran for the toilets."
She laughed, and a warmth capsized me.
"Carlton took horse riding lessons 3 times."
"I think we all saw that coming."
"The best part, is he took two when he was eight, and on his first day, the horse bucked him off."
Now it was my turn to laugh.
"Old Lassie, back in the game. You said there were three?"
"Yeah, his third lesson was last year at Christmas."
"You're kidding!"
"Nope, said his "therapist suggested it"."
"Thats something I can hold against him from now on."
"You're welcome."
Even though 6 am neared, neither of us were tired. I decided not to mention it, just in case she hadn't noticed. I didn't want anything to come in the way of this perfect moment. One small thing did, though. The nagging voice in the back of my mind.
You have to tell her.

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