Partner, Boyfriend

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Oswald's pov

I wasn't prepared for the loud shots that rang out, Falcone fell to the ground as a second tore through the shock. Even knowing what she had been planning, I still felt shock as I watched the two of them drop. The little wench must've planned that.

I was quickly pushed off the scene by my body guards, Jim nodding at them as we shuffle past with a troubled expression. Closing my eyes at the scene, I rush until the car door opens, ready to relax. "Take me home." I sigh deeply.

I knew I'd have to face the rumors Sofia planted around Gotham, along with the fact I'd have to prepare for a funeral. But for now, I would go home to a waiting Edward, something that I have missed for far too long. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes and lounge as I listen to the soft music playing.

Hopefully, Edward isn't still cross with me. One could only hope.

I linger in the limo when we pull up to the mansion for a long moment before dragging myself out. Leaning heavily on my cane, I ignore the dull pain from the pressure on the base of my palm. Just as I make it to the doors, Edward opens it with a grin.

"Welcome home, Oswald." He straightens his tie as he steps to the side to let me past. I step inside slowly, eyes trailing his body.

Instead of his signature green, Edward wore a deep purple, nearly black three piece fitted suit. His gloves black, like his dress shirt, the tie a slightly lighter purple then the suit and button up, laying crisp and flat. Edward smirks at me before looking towards the kitchen. "I made dinner. Eat, I'm getting your bath ready." He doesn't kiss me before walking away.

I watch him walk up the stairs. "That suit is fitted perfectly." I mutter to myself. "Duh." The door closes behind me and I jump. "Goddamn it Olga! I'm getting you a bell." I hiss before storming away, I will never understand how shes so quiet.

I raise an eyebrow at the single plate resting at the head of table, settled on a beautifully green table cloth. Soft music playing in the background, I sit down slowly, Edward had made pink salmon, honey garlic butter roasted carrots and butter roasted sweet potato. 

The food was as delicious as it looked, the wine paired with it perfectly. I stuck with only a glass though, as I wanted to be clearheaded later. Just as I finish, Edward silently steps in, his expression blank. "The bath is ready, Os." He holds out a gloved hand to me and I take it slowly.

Edward guides me to the bathroom, a comfortable silence between us. The room smelles of lavender, soft and comforting, and Edward wordlessly undresses me, folding each layer with care. I stare up at him, his brown eyes on my body instead. When my underwear hits the floor he brushes my cock before guiding me into the tub.

Warmth fills me as my body finally relaxes, my knee free of pressure. Just as my eyes flutter closed, long familiar fingers trail across my knee. Edward waits a moment before his fingers massage my worn knee, a sigh escaping me as I enjoy the attention.

As soon as my mind drifts, Edward speaks. "Is this what Sofia did for you, Oswald? Is this how she made you fall for her pathetic advances?"

Oh shit.

I open my eyes expecting a furious rage only to be met with a calculatedly blank expression. I swallowed thickly, unsure of what to say. There were times Edwards cool detachment scared even I, and it's a solid reminder he had killed his girlfriend. "She never drew a bath for me." I try to dodge the question and Edward merely sighs.

"Oswald, you would've never called her your old friend and the two of you never reached the depths we have a long time ago."  Edward presses, hid fingers gentle on my leg as he moved down towards my ankle.

I sigh, unsure of what he wanted so it was probably best to stay with the truth. "W-we never talked about what we were, I don't know what to call you."  I inwardly roll my eyes at my stutter, I hadn't intended to sound so soft.

Ed smirks, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Oh, I'll tell you what to call me tonight, Oswald. I'm many things to you; a lover, boyfriend, partner, but I am not just your friend- to be clear. Call me Riddler tonight."

I cant help the hitch in my breath at his dark tone, my heart racing. Nodding, I swallow thickly as Edward stands. "I have some things to handle. I expect you naked in the bedroom when I return."

I watch him walk out, my face burning. Maybe I should piss him off more often.

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