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I've been gone for a bit, haven't I? Sorry about that. I've had a little bit of artist's block but I'm finally over it, so hopefully I'll be getting to more requests soon! This was a request from Obsercant-one on deviant art. Floppyeras's request is still on the list, I'm just waiting for picture reference! 

 Floppyeras's request is still on the list, I'm just waiting for picture reference! 

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Here is the list of requester's requests that are up next!

Floppyeras  (reference pending)

Floppyeras  (reference pending)






Please keep in mind that though I can't work on requests 24/7, I'm trying my best. This one took 9 and a half hours! (probably because of the odd pose and number of people) If you have a request, please let me know either in the comments or via private message! I hope that you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! So YEET.

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