A Good Day To Work Hard (Poetry)

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This is a poem that I wrote a long time back. It is, I think, self-explanatory.

One summer on a Sunday sunny

I noticed something rather funny

A stack of notebooks giving me desperate looks

As if to tell

That all was not well

Three pages of Hindi, three of English

Five of Science and a lot more of Maths

All stared up at me

To complete them was their wish

I made up my mind to grant them that

But only after I had a bath

After a bath, I got all ready

To do some work, still and steady

But then there was rumbling

I realized my tummy was grumbling

So, I left the work as it was

To devote my time to a nobler cause

And so I spent my whole day

Eating, sleeping and whiling away

At night when the clock struck ten

I jerked to consciousness and realized then

That my notebooks were still fallow

But then I thought "I'll do it tomorrow!"

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