Chapter 12 Time Together

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The Doom Slayer POV

As as was tending to Samus's injuries, I asked her a question.

The Doom Slayer: May I ask a question?

Samus Aran: Of course, what is it?

The Doom Slayer: How does you suit work?

Samus Aran: Well it's usually with me all the time, to activate it; I need to concentrate on it. He works with concentration. The harder I concentrate the stronger it becomes.

The Doom Slayer: It seems a little, unpractical.

Samus Aran: What do you mean?

The Doom Slayer: I mean when you are concentrating on you suit then also have to concentrate on fight, that can get very dangerous.

Samus Aran: I guess so. Anyways, how was your suit made, mine was made my aliens.

The Doom Slayer: My suit was made by Valen in the Forges of Hell.

Samus Aran: Oh, must have been cool to watch.

The Doom Slayer: I guess so. Now you need to rest, see you tomorrow.

As I was leaving, I felt someone pull at my arm, I looked at Samus and she said.

Samus Aran: Can you stay, please.

The Doom Slayer: Of course.

I sat next to her and we looked into each other's eyes for a few second before we kissed. I pulled back and said.

The Doom Slayer: I love you.

Samus Aran: I love you to.

And then she laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep instantly. I kissed her on the head and said.

The Doom Slayer: Good Night.

And then I placed my head on hers and slept for the first time in a long time.

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