Chapter 3

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Akane POV

There was the creep, the boy who looked exactly like Hanako. I've always said I disliked Hanako, but it wasn't true. He was a sort of real friend, even if he was a supernatural, he was dependable and trustworthy. But this..... rat, he was scheming past everything.

I wouldn't doubt it that this boy had something to do with Hanako's disappearance. He was the exact definition of supernaturals I hate. What does he want actually? Hanako lost all his powers, and the rat has powers of the 7th mystery. So what does he actually still want from us?

"Well, well. My assistant told me.....that, Yashiro Nene is back?" Tsukasa smiled brightly.

He wasn't menacing at all. He was always happy towards us, but we all felt his dark and psychotic wrath.

"Amane's girlfriend huh?" He tilted his head, his eyes now black as an abyss.

Aoi glared back. Dang, she looked cute. "Don't you touch her. I will never, ever forgive you."

Tsukasa suddenly lurched forward. But hugged her.

I immediately raised my stopwatch, but Kaku-joudai was at my face now.

"Well, Aoi. You wouldn't like Akane to......say.....vanish would you?" His face inches away from hers.

"Tsu-" I tried to say but the pesky orb flung closer to my face.

Haku-joudai was swirling above my head, daring him to attack me.

Aoi didn't seem fazed, it was just how brave she was, "Well, if you wanted to, you would have already did. Oh. Or did you forget Haku-joudai is still here?" She stared back at Tsukasa. She was stepping into a dangerous zone.

"Haha. People like you... are my favourite kind." Tsukasa moved away from her.

People like you...are my favourite kind.

That was what Hanako had once said to me. Yea... I was actually missing that short stupid No.7

"I'm not afraid of Haku-joudai," He said. Kaku-joudai raised to face Haku-joudai, "I'm just..... respectful. After all..."

Tsukasa turned to leave.

"He never killed me.."

He disappeared in black clouds of smoke.

Aoi collapsed to the ground. 

"AOI!" I quickly ran to her, holding her shoulder to support her. She looked tired.

"He....he will really hurt Yashiro. We have to protect her..." Aoi hugged back.

I was surprised. She never accepted any sort of embrace from me. She must really be afraid.

"It's okay, Aoi. I will protect her..." I nodded, hugging her.

You owe me this Hanako. You better come back.

Yashiro's POV

Hm...Aoi was sure taking a long time. Maybe...she fainted! Or got kidnapped?

I decided to check the girl's bathroom. But I didn't know where it was. I had this feeling .... that seemed like it was leading me somewhere. Closing my eyes.... I was walking....towards...

I opened my eyes. There was a sign : GIRLS TOILET.


Knock the third stall of the third story of this building three times. And say Ha—

"Yashiro?" Aoi came out. I looked up.

"How did you know where the toilet was?" Aoi laughed.

"Knock the third stall...of the third...story of the old building .....and say..." I whispered... trying to remember....trying to get that feeling back.

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