Chapter 11

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Yashiro's POV

It was a great day. We had donuts, Hanako-kun walked me to my dorm. And much more. (Ogeh, I'm sure getting lazy now) 

But...there was a big problem. Aoi and Sakura wasn't here.  Sakura was never here at the first place...but...Aoi? I'm pretty sure we weren't allowed to go outside at where could Aoi be? The toilet maybe?

I walked to the toilet, every time I walk in... I feel like I'm being watched. That's why I stopped using this toilet. I looked around...empty. Somehow, I felt like Aoi wasn't normal at all. This wasn't the first time she disappeared...and no one but Olive seem to even remember  Aoi sometimes.

I remembered the time I felt that things were strange.


"Psst...girl..talks to air...weird..." I sometimes hear others whisper behind my back. Stranger thing was that I heard teachers other than Tsuchigomori and Yako sensei mention, "Nene— living alone — dorm."

But talking to air? Living alone? It's as if if...

As if Aoi, and even Sakura...never existed.

And the most mysterious....was Sakura. So familiar...yet I never see her at class...or in the dorm even.

But Olive talked to Aoi...chatted with us. So I must be thinking too much!


I just stood there, at the toilet. Drowning into my thoughts.

I had always been the strange one. From birth.

Even the monk had told my parents once. Even though I was only 3, this vivid scene never left my memories.

"She's like a magnet. All the superstitious things....all those bad aura... likes to stick to her." The monk shook his head, "Born and abandoned...she will live a miserable life...and ....die a—"

"Don't you dare say that!" My mum yelled. That was what made me remember. I had never seen her so angry before. That one time.

"The downfall of your company." The monk turned to leave. Knowing he was no longer welcomed, "Is because of her,"

I was adopted. Even until now, to the point where they send me away from them, just so I don't attract bad luck to them, they never told me I was adopted. And...even until now... I still pretend I don't know.

I will live a miserable life...and die a horrible death.

That was why I never had friends. I wouldn't want to affect their life.  

"I'm just bad luck to everyone. Why was I ever born?" I asked silently. The moon gazed back, through the window. The stars just winked, a question no one would answer.

"You're not." 

I turned, tears already streaming. It was...Hanako-kun.

"W-Wha..." I wiped my tears.

"You're a blessing to everyone you've met. Why would you say that? Did anyone tell you that??" He scowled.

At that moment of both hurt and happiness, I laughed, "W-what are y-you doing in a girls b-bathroom?" I sniffled, somehow laughing at the same time.

"That's a secret." Hanako-kun winked.

"Pervert!" I accused.


Humans are something else. I've never tried laughing and crying at the same time.

I looked at her sideways. She stopped crying a while ago, now just smiling peacefully at the moon.

I brought her up to the rooftop, even though we were not allowed to leave during night time. She just gazed at the moon, "The moon is beautiful tonight," she whispered.

"Sometimes...I feel like the Moon is the most reliable thing..." she said pointing at the crescent moon.

"It never scorch you , never glares at you like the sun. Even though it's not still manages to bring light into your world..." Yashiro smiled. It was such a sad smile....that.. reminded me of myself...

"Just like a ghost friend?" I asked.

"Just like a ghost friend." She smiled again, turning to me.

Before I knew it, I was hugging her.

She looked like she on the verge of tears and I couldn't help it. 

"You're not bad luck to anyone." I whispered, "Never."

I hugged her, but soon it grew awkward. She didn't move. I pulled away a little, but her whole body weight was still on me. 

"Hmm?" I wondered. I looked at her.

Her peacefully sleeping face...

She was asleep?

Wow, I wish I could sleep like that. Thinking about the amount of coffee I had, I hugely doubt I could even go to sleep tonight.

I carried her bridal style, Jeez, how is she still sleeping..? 

A few minutes later, I arrived at her dorm room. With only literally three fingers, I turned the knob. Using my back to push the door open, I realised she didn't lock the door.

Thank gods though. I placed her down on the bed.

Her serene face, and unmoving eye lids...reminded me...

Of something I couldn't grasp. Maybe it's nothing.

"Goodnight, Yashiro.." I said softly. Then I noticed her eyelid flutter shut quick.

Was she really sleeping? Hmm...let's see?

I smirked and walked near her. Closing the gap between our faces, her eyes opened in shock.

"KYA!" Yashiro pulled away. I quickly put my finger to my lips, indicating her to keep quiet.

I looked at the door, and turned back. "Gotta go!" I whispered.

"B-but you. You just kis—" Yashiro was saying, before I flashed a smile. "Tomorrow!" I said, before I darted out of her room.

BTW ITS THE SAME BOOK, I CHANGED THE COVER! Sry if you're confused 😐 Here's your Tuesday post XD =^= . Hmm...I wonder what happened to Aoi....

Have you ever wondered? Why can Yashiro see ghosts like Aoi?

Oops, ima leave it there for you guys to answer XD

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