Chapter 13

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Yashiro's POV

Aoi... She didn't come back to the dorm. Why? I looked out the window, the moon high up and I was certain it was already midnight. Was she in trouble?

Well. I guess it's not the first time I sneaked out. Plus, teachers are done patrolling already, probably sleeping by now. I decided to sneak out and find Aoi. 

A light coat covering my pajamas, I slowly opened the door, trying to keep as silent as possible. The door creaked a little, as I prayed no one noticed. Looking around the dark and empty hall, I raised my phone, and on torchlight. It was creepy at this time...

I shook my head, it's not time to think like this, I have find Aoi! Trembling a little, I went forward. Where would she be? The school garden maybe? I nodded, as i headed to my destination. Peering out at the large empty space, I whispered, "Aoi?" 

Owl hoots answered as the night's chilly wind swirled around me. She was not here. Where else? Think Yashiro! Think! Maybe...I don't know... rooftop? No, I can literally see the empt—

Something... I can see something!

Is that...a girls head? Who would be out sitting on the rooftop this late? Aoi! I wanted to yell, but I was afraid the teachers would hear. 

Creeping upstairs, all the way to the roof top. I opened the door. "Aoi?" I whispered.

Then I saw it.

A puddle of red liquid, along with the rainwater. Careful not to slip, I ran to her. What happened?? Blood...blood was everywhere. Is that—

"OLIVE??" I yelled, not caring anymore. Kneeling down, I touched her face. It was cold. Putting my index and middle finger together, I pressed on her neck. That's when I gasped.

There was no pulse

I looked at her soaked red hoodie. She was....murdered. I backed away in shock, her unmoving eyes fixed on the floor, a slight gentle smile still there. She's dead. She is really dead.

I was scared...will I die like that? A horrible death....It echoed in my head. She can't be dead.... no way...someone- someone help me...

I was shaking, whispering again and again the only person I needed right now. "Hanako..."

" me..." I curled into a ball. Frozen in place, inhaling and exhaling. I didn't know what to do, I was barely able to breathe, it was like the sky collapsed on my lungs.

"Yashiro?!" A voice called out. No way...

"Hanako!" I stood up and hugged him in relief. "How..." I tried to say, clutching on him, hoping it was real. Please...don't let go...I wanted to say. Stroking my hair, he asked, "Yashiro... what happened...."

I clutched him tighter, not wanting to look back at the brutal scene. He seemed to realise. There was a moment of complete silence. Is he....scared?

"We have to call the teachers," he said , "It's okay. It's okay."

I nodded, he took my hand, but I couldn't help but look back. Olive...

She always had a contagious smile, always making jokes and hanging around with us. She's dead....she's gone. How can something like this happen....

"Don't look.." He pulled me. How... how is he so calm?

Hanako's POV

Yashiro is crying, she's already so scared. I can't afford to be scared. Tsuchigomori.... I have to go to Tsuchigomori. I held on to her hand, as we ran at full speed to Tsuchigomori.

With a sharp breath, I knocked loudly on the door. There was silence...was he still asleep?

"PLEASE HELP!" I knocked the door louder. Then I felt a rough thing by the door, what is that?

"Yashiro, give me your phone please." I lowered my voice, as she passed it, still trembling. Switching the torch on, I realised it was a note.

P.S I'm out, please contact me for emergencies. If not, please contact Yako-sensei.

He's....out? How would I contact him??? I don't have his phone numb—

"If you ever need my help in emergencies, go to the library." Tsuchigomori had told me after Yashiro's incident.

Could there at this hour? Probably not, but I don't know other teacher's room, not even Yako-sensei. I decided it's worth a shot.

"Wh-where are we going?" Yashiro asked, as I pulled her away. "The library" I responded.

She looked bewildered, but I pulled her there anyways.

"Tsuchigomori?!" I yelled, knocking on the door. With not much hope, I waited for a few seconds, before turning to go away.

"Is that you, Amane?" A voice came , Tsuchigomori! He was really still there!

He unlocked the door and looked at us, "Come in," he said quickly.Yashiro and I went in, not even bothering to ask why he was there. "We found Olive's body in the rooftop." I said quickly.

He didn't look surprised or even sad. "Okay, just wait a little longer." He said. I was shocked, "Wait? She was murdered!" 

Yashiro grabbed my hand again, suddenly, "Hanako..."

I turned, to see why Yashiro was flustered. Suddenly I heard a thump, and I was on the floor. The back of my head hurt as my vision swam, what was this??

Everything was blurring, but I saw a silhouette of a man with a black cloak. Who...would do this....

Was it....Tsuchigomori?

Okii, there ya go. So uhh, I apologise regarding the extra 3 chapter that I was supposed to post. I had a lot going on and I couldn't write all three chapters, so sorry, I still hope you enjoyed this chapter though <3

I enjoy reading your comments, sometimes I don't really answer back, but I appreciate your reactions to my book tqqq ❤️❤️

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