Chapter 14

506 19 14

??? POV

Everything is going great...don't worry. I have everything ready, everything for both of you. No matter who dies, no matter who survives....Yashiro and you will be safe and forever together. I will help you....No.7

A happily ever after...that no one would ever doubt

Once upon a time...

Now the story finally starts....

The tale of a girl and a ghost, bonded through lives...underneath a sky of  shooting stars.

Tsuchigomori POV

"Well?" I asked, looking at his hesitation.

The black hood covered most of his face, hunched a little, a small girl sat on his shoulder.

  Kako and Mirai.

The two most dangerous people among us, and yet most helpful. The clockkeepers.

"Are you absolutely certain about this?" A low voice came from the ancient man. I nodded, impatiently.

"It won't affect Yashiro, she has the charm." Kako reminded. I nodded, "That's the exact reason why you should do this."

"The only way now..." I said, "Is to reverse time...right before Olive died."

"You want the girl to remember Olive dies? And save her?" Kako's face darkened, "Let me remind you of the risk. You and I can't be there to assist them....and if Yashiro can't change the past, if she can't save Olive, we will be stuck. In a time loop."

"I ask you one last time," his voice thundered, "Will you risk all of us .... to save a girl?"

I hesitated. If Olive dies, the police will certainly suspect Akane or Aoi. If they find out that both of them had died already, it will cause havoc to the school. Akane and Aoi were both away and without a witness during the time Olive was killed.

"There is no other way. Isn't there, Mirai?" I looked at the small girl.

She looked back at me , expression cheerful, but when she stared into my eyes.

I saw things....things that I saw in Yashiro's book. And things that I didn't....

"H-how..." I snapped back. "That wasn't in the book, it wasn't in the future—"

"Mirai is capable of a lot of things...she shows you a future that never lies." Kako said.


"Sometimes...the future was always meant to be. Perhaps you think he changed the future...but it was part of the future that the book says something else." Kako lowered his voice, "Sometimes.... we see what we want to see."

Before I could respond, a beam of light wrapped around me, as I glimpsed Kako's hand holding a watch. It was go back in time.

Yashiro's POV

Huh...that's strange...what is this place? I looked up, books filled from shelf to shelf. The library?

I stood up, and looked down at my uniform. Thats when I realised...

Blood. There was blood on my uniform.


Memories hit me like a wave, as I looked around frantically, "Hanako???"

He was just beside me a moment ago— in that black dim-

Light? The bright afternoon light shone from outside, through the library's window. Afternoon?

"W-where am I...?" I asked, confused. It's already the next day? I spotted a calendar,'s still

Was it a dream....? No, I have blood on my can't be.

"Aoi is a traitor apparently—"

I quickly ducked behind a bookshelf. I looked up at the one's coming in...

Turning slowly, I realised the voice came from the bookshelf behind me. When I turned back, I realised a small butterfly was on the wall.

For a moment of stupidity, I thought the butterfly was talking until...


An door faced me. just appeared! Huh??! W-what is this...Magic? Huh...?

The butterfly flew inside, as my curiosity guided me inside. 

"-Mitsuba has been insisting." A man's voice said.

Mitsuba? I peeked through the gaps of the the shelf. It looked like...Tsu-


Someone just....tapped me from behind. Frozen in fear, I took a deep breaths. I turned, ready to surrender to some big magic monster.

I faced a child. A small girl...?

She put a finger on her lips, and pointed up. "Roof  -  Top." She mouthed each syllable clearly. Keeping silence, I gave a very confused look. Who....

"Who's there," the voice said behind me. The little girl ran quickly. So quickly it looked like she was teleporting. Huh??

I bolted from my hiding spot, not looking back, I tried to catch up with the girl. She was gone...

Rooftop...she said 

What about the rooftop? She wants me to go up?

This day couldn't get any stranger. struck me. Olive...died on the rooftop...

Am I ... back in time?

Can I possibly save her...?

Without a second thought , I launched up the stairs. Skipping three steps each time, I flung the door open, hoping I was not too late.

A glint of silver caught my eyes, as a knife held high by a boy plunged down.

"YAMERO!!! (Stop)" I screamed, running with all the stamina I had left. 

The knife, inches away from Olive."Y-Yashiro...." She looked terrified.

I grabbed my shoe and flung it to the boy. Using the distraction, I launched at him. I didn't care to think he had a weapon in his hand. "RUN!" I yelled at Olive, as she stammered something about teacher and ran away.

I looked back at the murderer, seconds away from killing Olive.

"WHY DID YOU WANT TO KIL—" I yelled at him, as my voice faded slowly. 

It was....

"Hanako-kun??!" I asked, eyes widening in recognition. It can't be....

That was why he came....that night....he came...

Who told him....

All this while...

"Y-you...killed...Olive....?" Tears of confusion and fear streamed from my eyes. I couldn't see his expression through my tears.

I finally saw her was always Hanako-kun...

Is it? XD BTW, Spoiler art section will be updated from time to time, check out my art if you want (it's not very good, but I'll appreciate it) so hmmm

Who is this character in the beginning? I wonder.... ;) 

Love ya guys! Baiii!

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