Chapter 6 - Thick black woods lead to...

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Authors note;
Hey beautiful souls, hope the chapters are steering a great deal of interest, are we ready to discover someone special now?
Thanks for tolerating my delay in uploading chapters, was a bit pulled up with assignments. Will try to upload the next few chapters soon too. Have fun, enjoy this chapter fam!! Love you guys ❤️

Evelyn POV(point of view)

"faint drilling noise"

"hammering noise" in the background

My subconscious mind could hear a faint drilling noise in the dead night I was profoundly slumberous that I covered my total face with the blanket twisting n turning. The Noise of drilling and hammering poured into my ears vigorously now. It was no more my imagination because I sat upright inside my tent and could hear the noise.

Wondering where the Noise was streaming from, I switched on my torch and opened the tent. I wasn't scared but anxious enough to know who could possibly be doing anything in a thick forest at the dead of the night. The Noise fainted, I couldn't hear it anymore. I searched the four directions to visually perceive if I could see anything but the paths were filled with absolute blackness.

I sat near the bonfire after throwing some wood to the burning fire that was fading out gradually. I was about to close my eyes when I could hear the same drilling sound that filled the air.

I expeditiously lit my torch and commenced walking towards the direction from where the noise aroused. It appeared from the center of the forest, I guessed that's where the waterfall situated. The bare branches spiked into the welkin, there was no sign of life to be found anywhere around the path that led. It was tenebrous and I was remotely able to see where the path was heading into because my torch seemed to be too dim to show the ebony woods. 

There was only diminutive sounds of rusting bushes and howl of the wind along the path. With every step the drilling noise grew louder and this assured that I was nearby. I could marginally visualize a very radiant area, more homogeneous to the sight of a bonfire across the sizably huge bunches of trees and bushes.

I switched my torch off because there was adequate light oozing from the place and I was exhilarated much to check what was happening there.
I could hear the musical composition "like a cowboy" by Randy Houser from distance. I now verified there was some human life living around.

There was a voluminous rock that covered the view, I had to climb over to view the scene. I creeped over gradually opening the leaves to check it out.
There was an enormous bonfire that seated in the middle of a sandy ground, it was large as a house, the sparks flying well above the treetop, its dark smoke was thrown in the night.

There was an astronomically immense wooden table that sat on the middle, it looked more similar to the ones those carpenters would utilize. There were planks of wood crudely tied together, an immensely colossal saw, a halfway opened implement box that contained few pliers, screw drivers, utility knives and etc., a farm radio which played the musical composition and a note pad.

Above ground level was a magnificent looking tree house that was built on a mature tree that wasn't genuinely clear in the tenebrosity. It had a window that exhibited orange lights from the top. Afore I could perpetuate venerating the tree house, I was diverted when the music paused.

I turned my head towards the table when my eyes fell into the vision of a tall man whose appearance alone was too seductive. His rugged features were alluring. He had tousled dark brown hair thick and lustrous that glistened in the sparks of the bonfire. His eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue in which flecks of silvery lights performed ballet throughout. The tips of his hair had drenched in sweat that dropped along his face which was vigorous and defined with features molded from granite. 

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