Chapter 20 -Unexpected acceptance

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Tyler's POV

I aroused to soft sheets, and the morning sunshine trickled in through the drapes. Shedding myself off the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut.

I sat up, dragged my feet off the bed lazily, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes before letting my blue eyes visually perceive the sun's rays. I stretch my arms above my head and yawned.

The wall facing the landscape view had two astronomically immense windows that covered 70% of the wall. I pulled the drapes apart and opened the windows to catch the comely scenery that stood behind more like an art.
Under the blue and sunlit welkin, the view was wondrous to hold. The lake teemed with life, to the chorus of bird musical composition from the circumventing green bush. The lake is more effulgent than the colors of our dreams against the greens of the hills.

Since I was much acclimated to checking the time through my phone, I probed my phone under my covering when I touched the home button it read 9:15 am. I wasn't sure if I could leave my room or just wait until Evelyn calls me hence I rushed to the washroom for an expeditious dip.

Gleaming granite counter tops were paired with walnut framed mirrors, Jacuzzi tub and a huge in shower room with an over-sized shower head was exotic looking.
Fluffy towels were orderly arranged with luxury amenities. To keep up with the climate the tiled floor came with under-floor heating facility. The bathroom was desirably immense expressing simplicity embedded on luxury.

After, an expeditious dip I changed into a white Hilfiger Tee-shirt with 511 Levis denim. I wore my white dress sneakers and finally styled myself with a dark brown leather jacket. I checked my phone to check if I missed any messages from Evelyn, miserably there wasn't.

By now staying inside the room was a little too insipid, so I planned on checking out what was transpiring around the house since I didn't have a brief house tour.

I was walking through the corridor and ambulated down through the flight of stairs, Mrs. Thatcher was sitting on a floral printed sea blue sofa busy talking with someone on the receiver. Just as her eyes caught my attention she waved asking me to come towards her.

In the meantime, she ended the call with whomever she was engaged speaking with promising to call them as soon as possible. She surely has the most graceful welcoming smile that I have ever come across.

"Good morning Tyler, how about some breakfast tea or a refreshing cup of cappuccino?" she asked after asking me to sit in the individual seat that sat adjacent to her.

"A very good Morning Mrs. Thatcher, I wouldn't mind a warm cup of cappuccino" I replied. She dialed a number and asked MS Nancy to get one cup of Cappuccino and a lime mint tea for her.

Placing the receiver back she commenced and asked me for an introduction of myself since, we never had an opportunity to have a consummated conversation

"Mrs. Thatcher I am from the states like I said before, I lost my parents when I was very young and grew up in an orphanage until I eluded it with my outstanding performance at my advanced level examinations and sports merits. I was selected by one of the best universities in the states and found an amazing friend and a family concurrently. I lost my friend who had been more like my brother few years back and now his parents are my responsibility. I joined the FBI right after graduation" I briefed my life not being very sure if I should tell her that I am a secret agent.

She silently heedfully listened to what i had to say without querying in between. After I finished she asked me what I was doing in London and what made me stay in the forest.

"Actually Mrs. Thatcher I'm one of the youngest secret agents working for the FBI and I am tasked with discovering a murder cognate to Keswick. I had to do it in private and I barely know anyone in Keswick except for Evelyn and one of my colleagues who avails me with any requisites here. My friend is a component of the Keswick police" I finished.

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