Chapter 8

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After dinner was finished and the dishes were cleared, Dino's parents drove them back to Dino's house. Dino and Caroline both thanked his parents for getting them home. When they entered Dino's house, Caroline smiled, "It's gorgeous!" she did love it, but it was so perfectly Dino-not too much fuss or frill, just comfortable.

"Lemme show you to the guest room. You'll have your own bathroom and everything."

He showed her to a beautiful room painted in beige with a white bedroom set and an attached bathroom, "It's lovely, Dino. Thank you again, Honey."

"Of course, Baby. Listen, I wanna go shower because I feel jet lagged and nasty. I'll meet you in the den for tea or a nightcap whatever you're feeling."

"Great, I'm going to shower too," Caroline settled into the room she would be staying in and then went to shower. She then put her hair up in curlers and sighed, "Well if he marries me he'll see me in curlers anyway." Then she put on a pair of short sleeved button up cherry print pajamas. The pants were cropped just above the ankle and they were a pinkish color. They matched her fluffy pink slippers perfectly. She started to walk down to the den and met Dino on the stairs.

"Hi, Baby," he smiled at her clad in his blue and white striped pajamas, "You look cute in curlers."

She groaned and laughed, "No, I wear curlers to be cute."

Dino just stared at her for a minute taking in all her natural beauty. Her lips were the perfect shade of pink though she always wore red lipstick, her skin was very pale though she always were rouge on her cheeks, and her green eyes just sparkled even without the eyeliner and mascara. The curlers were just the perfect touch to how beautiful she was. He daydreamed about rolling over to see her sleeping next to him looking like this or on Christmas morning with kids sitting around a Christmas tree.

She snapped him back to reality, "Dino, whatcha thinkin'?"

"About how pretty you are and how lucky I am."

"Oh, Dino, stop. I look like a wreck right now," Caroline covered her face.

Dino pulled her hands away from her face and kissed her lips, "I love you, Baby," he grabbed her hand and held it as they walked downstairs into the den. "Shall we sip on some wine?"

"Just a little bit, please. I drank more than I ever have in my entire life in Vegas."

"That's Frank and Sammy for ya. I love Vegas, but I'd much rather go to bed after our shows and actually do things during the day. I'm glad to have you with us though. You make me happy."

"You make me very happy, Dino."

"Can we talk about some serious stuff for a minute?"

"Sure, Honey. What's up?"

"Cara, I'm pushing forty pretty hard here and I do want a family. I just want to know what you picture."

"Well, I think we make a handsome couple, but I see myself having a pretty big family-four kids? I'd like to continue singing here and there... That's about it... What about you, Dino?"

"I think that sounds perfect." They continued chatting and finished their wine. Caroline grew tired and fell asleep leaning on Dean and soon he fell asleep too.

When Caroline woke in the morning, Dean's arm was around her and her legs were tucked underneath her. She took a deep breath and breathed in the smell of his after shave. Dean woke up and sighed, "Cara Baby, what time is it?" he asked squeezing her tighter.

"I don't know," she yawned, "I can't see the clock. I'm sorry I fell asleep on you."

"Don't be. We were both drained from the travel."

They laid for a few minutes more on the couch, "What do you say I take. you out for some good breakfast and coffee?"

"I'd love that," Caroline smiled, "But wait."

"What, Baby?"

"I don't wanna move yet. I like snuggling with you."

Dean smiled and kissed her forehead. He squeezed her tighter. Caroline never felt so safe in her whole life. After a little while longer, Caroline said, "Well, I guess we should go get dressed and I'll take you up on that breakfast date."

Dean smiled at her, "Alrighty. Let's get ready."

Caroline went to her room and changed into a striped blue and white shirt with a long blue skirt. She put on a face full of makeup and took the curlers out of her hair. When she met Dean on the stairs, he was wearing khakis and short sleeved button up shirt.

"Is this acceptable Beverly Hill wear?" Caroline asked.

"Yes, you look wonderful. Cara, where were you from again?"

"Out near Philadelphia. It's cold there almost all year."

He shivered, "Ah, Frank's dragging us to damn New York in November. It's going to be cold as hell there."

"You aren't wrong."

They went out for breakfast and enjoyed chatting for a couple of hours. After breakfast, Dean took Caroline to the golf course and taught her how to hit a golfball. She caught on fairly quickly, but she mostly enjoyed walking around and watching him. When they left the golf course, they went to the grocery store because Caroline insisted on cooking, "Dino, if you're letting me stay in your house, let me cook meals and clean at least. I'm actually quite good at it."

"You're a guest though. You shouldn't-"

"No, please... I want to. I love cooking."

Dean shook his head, "Fine, if that's what'll make you happy, Baby."

After Caroline purchased enough groceries to last them a week, they headed home. Caroline started dinner while Dean put the groceries away. She decided to make vegetable soup and homemade corn bread. Dean sat in the kitchen while she cooked reading the newspaper and talking to her. When dinner was finally ready, they sat in the dining room together enjoying dinner.

"Caroline! My word! Your cooking is incredible!" Dean exclaimed, "We ought to have my parents over before we leave again. I'm sure my mother would adore your cooking!"

"Thank you!" She blushed and reached to hold Dean's hand across the table.

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