Chapter 10

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The next day while Dean was resting, Caroline ran home to change. While she was there, the house phone rang and she ran to get it, "Hello?"

"Cara, it's Frank. Sammy and I are at the Los Angeles airport. Should we come to Dino's house?"

"Yes, I'm just changing clothes. I've been at the hospital all night."

"Okay, we'll be right there. I think it should be about fifteen minutes. Love you, Cara."

"Love you too, Frank. You and Sammy be safe."

They hung up the phone and Caroline went to take a quick shower. She dressed in a long black skirt and a white shirt with black polka dots with a yellow belt. She didn't put her yellow shoes on yet. She ran around getting ready. When Frank and Sammy arrived, her makeup was done but she had her hair in curlers. Frank could see the bags under her eyes and felt terrible. She was so young, but so stressed. Caroline had held it together pretty well in front of Dino and his family, but upon seeing Frank, she threw her arms around him and began to sob.

"I know, Kid," he patted her as he blinked back his own tears. Sammy stepped in the house and gently ran his hand up and down her back.

"It was just... just... so scary," she hiccuped through her cries.

"It's okay, Cara," Sammy said quietly still running his hand up and down her back.

Frank felt her body shaking against him and it caused him to cry, "He's okay though," he took a deep breath and smelled the perfume Caroline was wearing.

Caroline pulled it together and went to fix her makeup and hair. Shortly after, they loaded into Dino's car and Caroline drove them all to the hospital. Sammy grabbed Cara's hand and held it as they walked into the hospital, "It's okay, Cara. We're here with you."

She smiled weakly at him, "I appreciate it more than you'll ever know."

They arrived in Dino's room and a look of shock filled his face, "My God, a guy can't just have a heart attack without everyone making a fuss," he laughed to deflect the emotions he was really feeling. He was touched that Caroline had stayed with him all night only to return an hour and a half later with his best friends. He knew for sure Caroline hadn't slept a minute. He could tell by the dark circles and bags under her eyes. "I love you all to bits," Dino said quietly.

"We love you too," Frank kissed his cheek.

"We love you, Dino," Sammy kissed Dean's other cheek.

Caroline felt tears brimming in her eyes and covered her face, "Cara Baby, come here," Dino whispered. He held her hand and kissed it, "I love you. I'm okay. I'm gonna be fine."

"I love you so much," she whispered leaning down to kiss him on the lips.

"Listen, I appreciate all of you being here, but she needs some sleep. Can you get her home?" Dino asked.

"I don't want to leave you," Caroline protested.

"I'll stay with him," Sammy said, "Frank, you gotta get her back home. She's about to fall over from exhaustion."

Frank nodded, "Take care of yourself. We'll come back tonight and bring you some real food," he winked.

Dino laughed and smiled, "Yeah breakfast was pretty bad."

Frank drove Dino's car home and made sure Caroline went to lie down. She slept for a good four hours before she came downstairs. Frank was sitting in the living room puffing on a cigar and reading the newspaper.

"Hey, Kid, how are you?"

"Better that I slept a little. I think I was just physically and emotionally exhausted. I-" she was interrupted by the doorbell, "Hold on."

She went to get the door and saw Mamma and Papa there, "Oh hello! How are you two?" she hugged and kissed them both.

"We're good. How are you?" Mamma asked.

"Good. Frank and Sammy came in. Frank's in the living room if you want to come say hi." They followed her into the living room.

"Mamma Crocetti!" Frank leapt off the couch and went over to her giving her a kiss, "How are you?"

"Aw, Frankie, that's so wonderful of you to come. I'm okay."

"Papa Crocetti, how are you doing?" Frank asked shaking his hand and giving him a hug.

"I'm okay. Frankie, thank you for coming."

"Sammy's at the hospital with Dino because this one was about to pass out from exhaustion so I brought her back here."

"Thank you, Frankie," Mamma said rubbing Caroline's back while standing next to her.

"Of course," he smiled, "Well, I want to relieve Sammy since he's been with Dino all day. Anyone else wanna come?"

"I wanna come," Caroline said.

"Okay," Papa said quietly, "But I really think you should come home and sleep here tonight."

"I agree. I'll stay with him tonight," Frank reassured Caroline.

"I brought food. Let's eat and then we'll all go," Mamma said, "Then we can bring her home, Frankie."

The four of them ate dinner together and then made a to-go plate for both Dino and Sammy. When they arrived at the hospital, Dino and Sammy were watching football on the television, "Hey, Baby!" Dino said sounding chipper.

Caroline went to him and kissed his lips. Frank, Mamma, and Papa filed in after Caroline. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm good. They said they want to keep me like two or three more days to make sure everything's okay. Then I can go home and we can tour."

Caroline sat down on the edge of the bed and played with his curly hair, "I love you."

"Love you too. Mamma, did you bring what I asked?"

Mamma smiled cheekily and nodded handing Dino a tiny box. Caroline knew what had to be inside the box.

"Cara, I want to do this the right way and so I'll ask you again for our friends and family to witness. You mean the world to me. I know it's been such a short period of time, but I could never see myself with anyone other than you for the rest of my life. I love you. Will you marry me?" he opened the ring box to reveal a intricate banded engagement ring with a beautiful diamond in the center, "It was my grandmother's. She asked me to give it my wife someday."

"Oh, Dino! Yes, I'll marry you and I love the ring." She put her hand out and Dino kissed and then slid the engagement ring on her finger, "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too, Baby."

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