Chapter 3

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Annabeth stood frozen in shock as Tony, Natasha, and Steve glowered at her. Trying her best to sound indifferent, she replied, "So you spied on me."

"I sure did." Tony said shamelessly.

Annabeth's eyes narrowed. "So I can't go to the bathroom without everybody watching me."

Tony blushed. "Not the bathroom.."

Annabeth shrugged. "Still, you have no right to spy!"

"Well I'm your guardian!" Tony shouted back.

Bruce and Thor choose that horrible moment to walk in, and Bruce flinched at the tone of Tony's voice.

Tony turned to Thor. "And how could you not tell me!?" He shouted.

"Not my business." He mumbled.

Natasha's eyes narrowed at Annabeth. "How did you get PTSD?"

Annabeth hesitated, trying not to reveal too much. "This summer... I saw things. People died, and my friend.. Died. Right in front of me."

Tony calmed down a bit. He put his hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it away.

"You could never understand." Her voice was icily cold. "Two friends died to save me.. and my best friend... tried to kill me." She turned to Steve. "None of you, know even close to what it's like for me."

"Annabeth-" Bruce stepped forwards, but Annabeth ignored him, and stormed off to the schoolbus.

She didn't look back as she sat down and the bus drove away.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TonyAfter Annabeth left, Tony turned to Steve

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After Annabeth left, Tony turned to Steve. "Why did she look at you like she knew you watched some comrades die?"

Steve shrugged. "I have no idea. In case you were wondering, no I didn't tell her. She should be carefree, except for college."

Tony smirked. "She's got that in the bag. She's been offered a full scholarship at a college in Berkely, which was also the college she wanted to go to."

"Which college is it?" Bruce asked.

Tony frowned. "I don't know."

"Well, you should look." Nat said.

Tony grabbed his laptop from the counter. "I'm going to look for the college Annabeth wants to go to so badly. I'm going to find out what's so special about it.."



Annabeth so far had managed to keep a low profile at school, thankfully. But that jerk really had to mess it up.

A boy named Peter Parker* sat down next to her eagerly. "Hi! I'm Peter Parker, wanna be friends?"

"No thanks." Annabeth got up to leave, when a burly-looking boy sauntered over.

"Aww look, somebody's sitting with Loser Parker over here!"

"Shut up Brady." Peter muttered.

Brady grabbed her by the wrist, but she easily twisted free. "Leave now and the only injury you'll be leaving with is a broken arm."

Brady scoffed. "Come on , Princess. Let's go into the locker room. It's very... empty."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. She grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm so fast everyone's eyes simply could not compute. She pushed him to the ground and slammed her knee onto his rib cage so fast, he had the breath knocked out of him. "Now get out of here, jerk!" She stood up, and Brady limped out of the cafeteria as fast as he could.

Peter's eyes bulged. "You took down Brady!"


"He's like, the meanest kid in school!" His fingers twitched nervously. "So um, could we be friends?"

"Trust me, if you thought Brady was bad, you'd want to stay away from me."

"Oh, well that's okay with me." Annabeth had a sneaking suspicion this was the kid Tony had hired to look after her.

Just then, Annabeth heard a growl behind her. She whirled around and found herself face-to-face with five hellhounds. "Oh Hades."

Everyone realized something was wrong, and they screamed and fled. As soon as everyone had left the cafeteria, Annabeth quickly whipped out her dagger and leaped into battle against the large dogs.


*This star is just an indication to let you know that in this fanfiction, Peter didn't get dusted.

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