Chapter 9

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Five years later.....


It had been five years since Thanos had killed half the population, and Annabeth had just graduated college in New Rome.


She'd gotten her dream, a degree in architecture, a chance to have a life without monsters for four years, yet she had lost everything.

Yet life continued on as normal. Percy and Annabeth had moved back to the Avengers compound after finishing college, to help Natasha keep the remaining Avengers going. 

Tony had disappeared with Pepper, living a secluded life in a log cabin, with a daughter now, Morgan Stark. Tony had wanted Annabeth to go with, but she had turned him down. She was a demigod, not that her uncle knew, and it was her job to fight monsters.

Even if they were mainly mortals now.

Steve rarely stopped by, he had devoted his life mainly to therapy, helping the remaining survivors cope with their losses. Bruce had gone who-knows-where, so Natasha had appointed Percy as an Avenger out of desperation, unknowing of the scope of his powers. The only other Avengers left were Okoye, Carol Danvers, Rhodey, and Rocket.

Reyna had moved on years prior, joining the severely depleted Hunters of Artemis, with Hazel taking her place as praetor. With Annabeth and Percy rarely at Camp Half-Blood now, Jason and Clarisse had taken over as the unofficial leaders of the camp.

The gods kept mostly to themselves, and new demigods becoming rarer and rarer with the gods' lack of love interest.

Sadie was the sole leader of Brooklyn House, and she was struggling to keep the Nomes alive. There had always been very few with the blood of the pharaohs, and now, with half of them gone, they were struggling to keep the Egyptian demons in the Duat at bay.

Magnus and the rest of the enherjar were luckier than the rest, with their numbers still growing every day. Thor had retreated back to Valhalla to keep the balance of power in check, as half of the Norse gods had disappeared, and his cover was that he had locked himself inside, only venturing out for more beer.

A bit of a lame excuse, but it had worked, for the most part. Now, Annabeth kept a simple routine, trying to retain a small sense of normalcy.

Little did she know, it was all about to change.


Meanwhile, in a San Francisco Warehouse......

In the midst of all the junk and rubble, a single rat scurried through the wreckage, tiny feet pattering across the rusted metal, and broken materials.

In the rat's haste, it scurried right over a dim button. As the rat stopped for a moment, there was a whirring from a brown, ugly van nearby, then a flash of bright light. The rat lifted it's head up, and the doors to the van burst open, with a man tumbling out, causing the rat to scurry away.

Scott groaned, and threw and old plushie off of him, and took his mask off. He groaned as he lay there, and small, little sparks shot out from his suit. Scott brushed them off, and struggled to sit up.

He looked around his surroundings in confusion. "Hello?" He realized he was surrounded by a chain-link fence. He saw a security camera in the corner of the room, and looked around desperately.

A minute later, he had drawn "HELP!" with a Sharpie on a piece of cardboard. He screamed as loud as he could and banged on the fence, holding up his sign.

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