Chapter 7

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When Annabeth and the Avengers were back at the compound, Tony had spent a whole hour lecturing her on spying on others, her responsibilities as an Avenger, and twenty other topics Annabeth didn't bother to listen to.

She had enough on her plate, thank you very much.

After Tony had finally finished his tirade, he fixed her with a serious gaze. "Now, what really attacked you? No dog is that big."

"I told you, it was a dog!" Annabeth shouted hotly. "Ask Peter!"

Tony's eyes widened. He cursed under his breath and dashed to the nearest phone.

Taking that as a sign that she could leave, Annabeth bolted for the door. She grabbed her phone on her way, and dialed Percy's apartment phone.

Two rings, and Percy picked up. "Hey Annabeth. Where have you been? I called twice today and you didn't pick up."

"Sorry, I was in space."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Hurriedly, Annabeth told him about the ambush on Thanos as she grabbed her keys and climbed into her Maserati.


"Percy? Did you get attacked by a monster or something?" Annabeth asked worriedly.

"No, I'm okay. Just... shocked. And angry that you got to hurt Thanos and I didn't."

"Oh." Annabeth exhaled in relief. "But the scariest part was, he said 'Demigod. Blood of mine.' In ancient greek, no less."

"Do you think he really is a Titan?" Percy asked, his voice tight.

"Was." Annabeth corrected. "And no, I don't think so. I think he's somehow connected to Greek Mythology, but he wasn't a Titan."

"Do you want to meet up someplace?" Percy asked. "Catch up, and then maybe we could check up on Camp Half-Blood."

"Yeah.. I'd really like that." Annabeth said.

"Okay. Starbucks?"

"I'll see you there, Seaweed Brain."

"Later, Wise Girl."

Annabeth's phone bleeped, and she shoved her phone in her pocket. She revved the engine, and sped towards the nearest Starbucks.



"You were supposed to watch her!" Tony screamed through the phone.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Mr. Stark! I changed as fast as I could, and got in there ASAP, and for some reason, Annabeth was still in there! I could've sworn I saw her run out with the others!" Peter stuttered.

Tony tried to calm his breathing. It wasn't really the kid's fault.

"Sorry. Just, keep a better eye on her."

"Will do, Mr. Stark." Peter said in a relieved tone.

F.R.I.D.A.Y beeped impatiently. "Mr. Stark, Annabeth's phone is no longer within range of the Avengers compound."

"What?!" Tony shouted. "Send her phone's E.T.A to Peter." He turned his attention back to Peter. "I'm counting on you to go after her."

"O-o-okay Mr. Stark." Peter hung up.

Tony slipped his phone back into his pocket. Time to do some good-old-fashioned bedroom-snooping!

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, let me know the moment Annabeth comes back." Tony said.

"Will do, Mr. Stark."

"Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y." Tony said, before dashing upstairs to his niece's room.



Annabeth pulled into the parking lot of the Starbucks, and parked neatly.

She hopped out of the car and locked it, before heading inside. After waiting a few minutes in the line, and ordered a caramel frappuccino, and handed the barista cash.

She chose a spot with two small couches facing each other near a window, and sat down. A few minutes later, the barista came by and set her drink down.

"Enjoy!" She said before dashing off to get the next customer's order.

Annabeth was halfway done with her drink when she spotted a familiar Toyota Prius with hoof-marks on the hood. A minute later, Percy was sitting on the couch across from her, with a take-away box.

He handed the box to Annabeth. "Open it."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "What are you planning?"

Percy smirked. "Just open the dam thing."

Annabeth let out a laugh at that, and opened the box.

She gasped. "Blue cookies!"

Percy smirked. "My mom just made a batch, and I snagged a couple."

Annabeth snorted. "Of course you did. How many did you eat?"

Percy's expression changed to a hurt look. "I can't believe you'd think I stole one!" His expression changed to a sly grin. "I had three."

Just then, Peter and some of his friends opened the door.

Annabeth groaned.

Percy shot her a quizzical look.

"My uncle hired him to be essentially my babysitter." Annabeth hissed through the corner of her mouth.

Percy snorted at that. "Babysitter." He managed to choke out.

Annabeth punched him, hard.

"Hey!" He complained.

Annabeth could feel Peter's watchful, ye inconspicuous gaze on her, as he asked the barista for a drink.

Annabeth tried to keep a normal conversation with Percy, asking about schoolwork, if he had lost anybody in the snap, normal things.

Except maybe the snap part. That definitely wasn't normal.

Ten minutes later, Peter still hadn't left, his drink had already been finished, and now he didn't even try to hide his steady gaze at Annabeth.

Finally, Annabeth couldn't take it anymore.

"Come on Percy." She said, standing up. "Let's go somewhere else." She lowered her tone. "I'm tired of our creepy stalker," She discreetly jabbed her thumb in Peter's direction, "And I'd rather check on the campers."

Percy grinned. "Sounds good to me. See you there."

"Later, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth called.

"Eat my dust, Wise Girl!" Percy shouted as he hurriedly closed the door to his Prius, and sped off.

Annabeth grinned evilly, and clambered into her Maserati. Once the engine revved up, she sped after her boyfriend.

Twenty minutes later, Annabeth slowed to a stop at the base of Half-Blood Hill. She locked the car, and peered into the distance. Just on the edge of the horizon, she saw Percy's Prius.

Chuckling, she waited for him.

Five minutes later, she and Percy were trudging through the strawberry fields of Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth's mouth soured. There were only maybe ten to fifteen satyrs tending the fruits, when there should've been double that. She leaned into Percy's shoulder miserably.

"I miss Leo." She whispered. "We just got him back, and now he's gone." She looked up at her boyfriend, whose sea-green eyes met her stormy gray. "Has a new Oracle been chosen?"

Percy shook his head. "Nothing yet."

Annabeth peered down into the camp and saw the whole camp gathered around the campfire.

"Are they-"

"Burial shrouds for the campers." Percy confirmed.

Annabeth sped off towards the campfire, stinging tears in her eyes wiped away by the wind.

She skidded to a stop in front of the fire.

So many shrouds.

So many fallen.


Turned to dust.

So few of them left.

The whole world, devastated.

All by one snap.

That was all it took.

To rip Annabeth's world apart.









Countless others.

Never to see the light of day again.

Percy had caught up to her, and he put his hand on her shoulder.

Annabeth wrapped him in a hug, and sobbed, staring listlessly at the endless line of shrouds.

Nebula had been right. Hope was lost, and she would never be the same.



Tony had finished snooping in Annabeth's room. Nothing out of the ordinary, much. She had a weird sword, that looked like it had been made out of bone. Tony shuddered. He hoped not. Annabeth's dagger was nowhere to be found, most likely on her persona. She had a weird pouch in the bathroom full of golden coins. There was a Yankees cap resting on her desk.

Sure, the cap wasn't out of the ordinary, but it had been placed there with great care. Maybe it had sentimental value?

Other than that, her room simply contained clothes, schoolwork, architecture books, and incomplete drawings of various greek-styled buildings.

Tony left the room, and check on his phone to track Annabeth's position.

He frowned. He reloaded the satellite and tried again. Nothing.

Annabeth had simply... disappeared. Entirely off-grid.

Tony checked her last known position.

Farm Road 3.141
Long Island, New York 11954

He pulled up Peter's contact list.

The phone dialed two beeps, and Peter picked up. "Mr. Stark!" He panted. "I was just about to call you; Annabeth left Starbucks with this boy, and I chased after them, but they were both in cars so I lost them. I tried to track their position but-"

"They're totally off-grid." Tony interrupted, finishing his sentence.

"Yeah." Peter said. "What do I do?"

"Tony checked his phone. "According to the tracker, Annabeth's last coordinates were Farm Road 3.141 Long Island, New York 11954."

Peter exhaled in relief. "Thank goodness. I'll get there right away, Mr. Stark."

Peter hung up.

Tony closed his eyes, and plopped down on a chair. Once Annabeth came back, they were going to have a very long conversation.

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