Chapter 110: Karen, Sophia, and Michael, Unnoticed and Undetected

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              Last few weeks before a few grades above Nina and the Dreamers were about to graduate. However, they were having trouble with a few simple things.

"I can't believe I am going to leave this place soon" Karen said in relief as she finished packing her clothes in a case.

"Really?" Brigette asked with a smile as she helped Karen pack her things away.

"Yeah, I didn't think I would ever leave this place. It is kind of a drag! Not to mention the constant attacks happening here. It is a miracle I was even able to study here" Karen commented as she moved her books to the side.

"So, why did you call me over? I already finished helping you with your studies, so why?" Brigette asked as she adjusted her glasses.

Karen placed her hands on the boxes as she looked it with unease.

"So, why is this so hard?" Karen asked frustrated.

As for Sophia, she already finished packing her belongings and decided to take a walk around the school for one last time.

"So, what else is going on in your life?" Lanetta asked with a laugh.

"Nothing much" Sophia confessed, "I am just a little sad about this. I should be feeling excited and eager about my next stage in life, but I am not"

Lanetta could only smile and nod her head in understand. As for Michael, he was sitting in a chair and playing a round of Mario Kart. Wally had just arrived from his training in the Hoenn region. He was thinking about his future after Michael heads off to college or his next phase in life. It was thanks to Ryan, Kristen, and Nedd, that they were barely attacked by the heartless once they graduated from high school. Though, they did keep in touch with their guardians but not as much as they used to. Thus, both of the classmate and guardian were given more free time and ability to pursue more personal goals.

"Michael? How's the cleaning going?" Wally asked as he saw nothing but empty boxes around him!

"I'll do it soon" Michael confessed as his eyes never left the screen.

Wally knew his partner pretty well at this point. He often played video games when he was either happy, with his friends, or really deep in through. Wally assumed it was going to be the second option today.

"Alright, what's up?" Wally asked as he let Flygon out to fly around the school for a bit.

Michael paused the game and just looked at the paused screen.

"Am I really making the right choice?" he asked Wally.

Wally was surprised for a bit and then nodded his head. He hopped on Michael's bed and sat behind him.

"Let's just talk about this for a moment" Wally said gently.

Karen sat down and looked away from her belongings as Bridgette handed her a bottle of water.

"So, why are you now having second thoughts about this?" she asked surprised as Karen scoffed.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you this, trust me" Karen answered seriously, "I just don't understand why I am having second thoughts about this now. After I was informed that I would be going to my dream college, I was so elated. I was through the roof! Now, I just feel empty and sad"

Bridgette could only smile as she recalled an important memory she had with her sister. This was when her plans were approved along with her residence in Unova.

"Goodbyes and changing scenes are always the hardest" she said simply, "Everyone has to say goodbye to something they are familiar with in order to say hello to their new future. It is never ease. If you don't feel anything for it, that is when I will start to worry"

Karen looked at her bottle of water and let her words sink in. Karen recalled how happy Nerissa and the other robotic teammates were when she received the news. Everyone was so overjoyed and over the moon about this. Karen was as well, but she didn't feel the joy the others did.

"Saying goodbye is always going to be hard in the end at everything. Yes, everything will be ok in the beginning, but in the end, you can't hide how you really feel. Emotions and attachment to others is always going to factor into how we feel. Let it out and hold onto it" Brigette said with a smile as Karen slowly began to cry, "It is a normal feeling to have, we are just humans in the end"

As Sophia and Lanetta were sitting in the library, a bunch of books were flying around and being put away.

"Well, this is fine! I felt the same way when my big sister went to Unova to work on her project!" Lanetta exclaimed loudly.

Everyone then shushed her as she squealed and hid her head behind a coffee cup.

"You two don't live together anymore?" Sophia asked surprised as she saw her book open and flipping through pages.

"Oh, we do share a house in Hoenn, but my big sis is working in Unova with the main professors! She's been there for about three years or more now, I think. Either way! We still keep in touch! We just have to live apart and work on our projects separately! Not that that's a bad thing! It is not! If anything! It is good! Sometimes you need the sadness to know the happiness in your life!" Lanetta rambled as the other students were getting annoyed with her.

They shushed her again as she whimpered and lowered her head.

She whispered, "Basically, stuff changes along with history! It is always sad to say goodbye to something you know and are familiar with. Once you adjust it, then you can go forward without a doubt and live your life the best way you know how!"

Towards the end of her little encouraging speech, she stood up and proclaimed it loudly. Sophia just laughed as the students left the library or rolled their eyes at her guardian. Then, her book flipped through many pages to show Sophia many important scenes of history from Ahkmenrah to President Roosevelt. Sophia could only smile as she looked at the book.

"I understand, Lanetta. Thank you for everything you have done" Sophia said with a smile.

Lanetta was surprised at her sudden positive outlook, but she soon smiled at her too.

"I'm just grateful I could help you! Thanks!" she said happily.

"Let's get some snacks. I could use one after touring around the school for the last time as a student" Sophia said with joy as Lanetta agreed.

Sophia closed her book as they went to the cafeteria to get some snacks. Michael turned off his game and talked to Wally about his personal troubles with also leaving for college.

"I don't know. I'm worried if college isn't my thing" Michael confessed, "I am happy that I was able to get to college, but I'm worried it won't be for me in the end"

Wally just nodded his head in understanding.

"That's understandable. After all, life can throw you out of balance and make everything you know wrong, but the important thing you know is to have a strong heart, a good soul, and an open mind. That will guide you through life until the end. And who knows, college may or may not be for you. It is up to you to decide what your life will become" Wally said strongly as his Flygon came back to him to let out a relaxed yawn.

Michael looked at his hands and nodded his head.

"For me, I would like to be the next Champion of Hoenn. However, I could change my mind and become the next Gym Leader of a city. The future is filled with a lot of possibilities. It will always be up to you to decide what your future will become" Wally finished as he recalled his sick days to meeting Ruby to fighting for Hoenn.

He knew it was because of his determination he was able to live this life of his. Michael nodded his head and thanked his guardian.

"You'll continue to be there for me, right?" he asked with a concern.

"Always" Wally promised as they shook each other's hands.

Life will always lead someone down a path they don't know where it will take them. This can be scary as well as adventurous. The important thing to take away from life is that you live it to your best and go for the future you truly believe in for yourself. 

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