Chapter 124: Jamie, Gwen, and Sophie, Young and Brave

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                   Jamie was hanging out with Gwen and Sophie. The three of them were younger sisters to the Dreamers. Jamie was Jodi's younger sister, Gwen was to Logan's, and Sophie's was to Ben. Of course, the three of them wanted their younger siblings to have guardians. Nina helped with that.

"I've decided to give them relatively new guardians. After all, they did protect them when went to their worlds" Nina explained to them.

"I am just thankful we have some help. I was mainly worried we wouldn't have any" Ben said in relief.

"They are experienced at least" Nina said with a nervous chuckle.

They soon entered the gym and found three guardians trying to fix up the broken floor in the ground.

"Maybe we should've left someone with them" Logan said with a smirk on his face as Gwen rolled her eyes at her brother.

Then, a Scottish Pokémon Trainer rushed towards them and grabs Nina's hands.

"Oi! I am so excited to meet you all! Well, I did meet you. I didn't meet you like this though!" she shouted as loud as Nina.

Jodi chuckled, "Ha! There are two of her"

"I didn't think it would be possible" Ben added with a smirk on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Nina rolled her eyes at her friends as she then released her hands from the Trainer. She took a few steps back as the three Dreamers pushed their young sisters forward.

"Due to the rise of more and more attacks, your siblings thought it would be best if you have a guardian to watch over you. Jamie, you will have Sword, Gwen will have Shield, and Sophie will have Masanori" Nina said as the three guardians straighten themselves up.

Jamie, Gwen, and Sophie looked at three guardians closely. The three of them did not like this at all.

"No" Gwen said crossly as she walked away from them and left the gym.

"Gwen" Logan said as he called after his little sister and Shield followed him.

Sword let out a yawn as he walked up to Jamie.

"Hi, I'm Sword. How are you, Jamie?" he asked in a polite manner.

Jamie was surprised to see him being so nice to her.

"I'm doing well" Jamine said surprised as she examined up and down.

Sword grinned at her as Sophie couldn't help but stare at Masanori's helmet.

"So, is that your hair? And why do you have horns?" Sophie asked as

Ben had to try and contain himself from laughing as Masanori growled at her.

"Thank you" Jodi whispered to Nina who only smiled in reply.

As the Dreamers were talking to their younger siblings and guardians, a Nightmare form of Infinite appeared behind them. He chuckled darkly as the Dreamers turned around.

"A Nightmare?" Ben asked as he looked at the Nightmare.

"Must be. A lot of random Nightmares have been appearing lately" Nina said as she summoned Wonder Light.

"Let me try! Fira!" Sophie shouted as she cast a simple fire ball spell towards the Nightmare.

"Wait!" Masanori and Ben said as they pulled her back.

The Nightmare form of Infinite took the ball of fire in his hands and crushed it in his hands to make red data cubes flow out and surround them.

"Infinite takes anything you throw at him and changes reality around us! Wait until you know how to fight" Ben said to Sophie seriously as he created a data shield around themselves.

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