Pick up

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I sighed quietly, trying not to show how bored I felt. Alice analysed herself closely in the mirror, trying to decide whether she liked a pair of boots or not.

"Alice," I began cautiously, trying to sound embarrassed and shy, "have you ever done drugs?" I looked down at the ground, imagining being humiliated to bring heat to my cheeks.

She chuckled and pulled a blue top from a rack, putting it up against herself.
"Nothing hard, but pretty much everyone below the age of 30 here smokes some weed."

I smirked, the facade dropping. "Thank god, I thought I'd never find anything, this town seems dry as a bone, apart from you of course."

She grimaced at the shirt and hung it back up, swivelling in the mirror to look at her butt in the jeans she was wearing.
"There's a guy called Don, he's one of a few but I don't know any of the others, but he sells, if it's something less common you might have to ask him in advance though." She brought out her mobile from her clutch bag, and quickly tapped her phone keyboard, texting me his number,

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I grinned, counting the minutes before I could excuse myself and go home.


Jason grinned at me, his goofy smile spreading across his face. "This is awesome Cleo, I can't wait to tell Luke." He walked over to the counter and grabbed his phone. "You up to go buy some then?"

An hour later, I was on my way to meet Don in the park, with twenty pounds in my pocket and a pit in my stomach. This was not my forté, and nerves were crawling around me, threatening to show themselves at any moment.

A tall guy was walking towards me in a black hoodie and jeans. He had a cheeky smile and soft green eyes, but hunched over himself in the cold musty weather.

"Cleo, right?" His grin stretched to his eyes and warmed me, it was impossible to be nervous around him.

He gestured to a bench and we sat, the wood slightly damp.

"Since we've never met and you look friendly, wanna share a spliff?"

I looked up and nodded, "okay." I wasn't an expert in buying drugs, but it wasn't my first time smoking weed, when I went to school it was a pretty common occurrence.

He rolled it up and put it to his lips, sparking and taking a few drags.

"I can't stay long, pretty short staffed if you catch my drift."
I shook my head laughing, it was impossible to be luckier today.

"My boyfriend and his brother are pretty skint, you should ask them." I said it casually, like a joke, but his ears pricked and he turned to study my face, looking thoughtful.

"You serious?" He frowned and shook his head, "I'd have to ask my boss and stuff of course but it's all pretty casual, if you think they actually would that'd be awesome." He bit his lip. "I don't know if I should be saying this stuff, it might never happen."

I bit my lip in mock consideration and sat up a little as he passed me the joint, "I was kidding but to be honest they probably would, I could give you Jason's number?" I took a few drags and smiled as my head felt a little heavier, it had been a while.

"That'd be sweet, no promises though right?"

"Of course."

After the joint, which was more than generous, I picked up twenties from him and headed back to the apartment, slightly drowsy. He was a lovely, generous guy and I appreciated him making me feel comfortable, I skipped into the flat and sat on the sofa. Jason burst out laughing.

"You absolutely stink Cleo, Jesus that's strong."

"He's a cool guy, wants to employ you and Luke." My breath felt warm as it flowed from my nostrils, the sofa felt incredibly comfy.

"What?! Cleo that's awesome! How did you... Wow that's great, this is great."

The door clicked shut and Luke walked in, his forehead beaded with sweat.

"Hell and I thought I stunk." He chuckled, sitting next to me on the sofa. "Look who's got bong eyes. Did you get any?"

Half an hour later my bedroom was hotboxed. Me, Luke and Jason lay on the wooden floor, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm so happy, 'cause today I found my friends, they're in my head." Luke drawled out nirvana lyrics, giggling at himself.

"You're an idiot." I laughed, it resonated through my head like an echo.

"Did I tell you Luke? Cleo got us in with the drug dealer." Jason tilted his head towards Luke, and then back up at the ceiling. Luke looked at me, impressed, before nodding slightly in appreciation. I grinned.


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