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Alice's face contorted into a mix of confusion and anxiety. A pang of guilt struck through me, but I plastered a reassuring smile over my face and took her hand in mine. "We'll be back soon okay? We just have a few things to take care of."

She exploded with questions about where and what, nervous to be left alone with John, and suspicious of our secrecy. Jason stroked her back soothingly and tried to brush off her queries one by one. I looked pointedly towards John, who was making a cup of coffee, trying to make my eyes say 'look after her'. He nodded, having heard the plan already. Wiping the damp from my hands on to my jeans, I walked towards the bag and peered inside it at the clips of ammunition and the matte black guns. Images of killing the hit men on the road and the guards from Linda's house and Peter, the man who had tortured and tormented Luke, and me, filled my mind. I swallowed the rising vomit from my throat and took a few shallow breaths.

"I need a minute outside."

I didn't wait for any kind of reaction from anyone, and instead focused on putting my feet in front of one another, closing the apartment door behind me and rushing down the stairs. I shoved through the heavy fire exit door, the cold air hitting me in the face like a cold drink, which I gladly gulped in to my lungs. My head fell to my hands as my legs gave way below me, leaving my crouched and leaning against the hard brick wall behind me. I chuckled to myself, if I ever took up smoking, right now would be the time.

"Are you ok?" I heard from behind me, the voice I knew so well cracking through my panic and soothing my whirling mind. I didn't reply, not knowing the answer. He hovered in the door for a moment, hesitant, before walking slowly towards me and sitting down, staring at his feet.
"Look I know this is hard," he begun, kicking a pebble, "especially because this is your first mission, and everything's got so fucked up, but this is almost over...and, when it is we can-"

"Go back to the ISS, get given a new mission and start this shit all over again." I grunted, leaning towards him slightly. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He didn't have a response, just a soft kiss on the forehead and a heavy sigh.

He tilted my chin up to his face with his rough fingers, and brought his lips to mine. The anxious feeling lingering in my stomach melted away. He moved a centimetre away, so I could still feel his breath on my face.

"I know working with us, all this, isn't what you wanted. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
He kissed me again, gentle and kind.

"You were just doing your job," I whispered, looking up at him. "Besides, it's a lot more exciting than my life before... Maybe a little more risky, but exciting definitely." I gave in to temptation and pressed my lips against his, grabbing his hair softly. He pulled me onto his lap, tracing my back with his fingers.

"I've missed this." He smirked, shifting me even closer to him and planting soft kisses down my neck.

There was a cough from beside us and I almost sprung off Luke, but he held me tight, and looked up evenly at Jason.

"Am I interrupting something?" He gave us a sly look. "Or can we get on the road. It's time to finish this."

I nodded and stood up, "Come on Luke."

He coughed and blushed a little. "I'll uh, meet you in the car, I just need to...uh."

"Got it man." Jason chuckled,  walking around the block towards the car. I followed behind him, glancing back smugly at Luke, who was sat with his legs crossed on the step and his arms folded over his lap.
He joined us in the car shortly afterwards, turning on the radio and blasting it loud, probably trying to drown out everyone's nerves.

Cleo Hart: Intelligence by DefaultWhere stories live. Discover now