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My heart drummed steadily in my chest, so fast it felt like it was vibrating. I pulled away for a second to look at him. His eyes fluttered open, warm and longing. He nudged my head back towards him with his hand on the back of my neck as we collided again, our eyes closing simultaneously. His lips were soft and inviting. I smiled slightly, my thumb tracing his jaw, then the back of his neck. His pace quickened, impatient. I wrapped my arms around his neck, lost in his paradise. The water dipped at our waists peacefully, creating a mixture of serenity and explosive emotion.

His lips parted from mine, so they were an inch away. He searched my eyes, smirking slightly.

"I've wanted to do that for a long, long time." His chest was rising and falling quickly, breathless.

I tried to find words, but my mind was a catastrophic whirlwind impossible to understand, so I just leant in and brushed his lips with mine.

He looked at me for a few seconds, then set me down.

"Don't know about you but I reckon people are going to show up for an evening swim some time soon. Want to go and grab dinner?" His face was a picture of innocence, a badly painted one.

"Are you asking me out Luke?" I raised an eyebrow and grinned at him.

I squeaked slightly as he lifted me over his shoulder and climbed out of the pool. "Is that okay?"

"Sure." I smiled at him and strolled to the changing rooms, making sure to sway my hips as I walked away,and his audible sigh in response was more than satisfactory.


I didn't really own anything particularly smart, so I wore my RaRa skirt, the only skirt I owned, a sleeveless shirt which showed off my tattoos, and some converse. I put mascara on, which was a rare occurence, and tied my hair into a slightly disgruntled bun. I smiled at myself in the mirror, happy with how I looked, and walked out of the toilet to Luke, who was in the bedroom. I gasped. He was wearing a navy blue semi fitting shirt, which was cut in all of the right places, and buttoned down only enough to hint at his incredibly defined collar bones, and slim fit smart black jeans which made sure to emphasise his calf muscles, among other things.

"You look god damn beautiful Cle, you always do."

"You don't look so bad yourself Lukey. Shall we go?"

It would be lying to say I didn't feel incredible on the arm of Luke, the most godly and devilish guy I had ever met. The looks from all the ditsy tourists were dirty, jealous and fantastic.

After some discussion, we both decided that sitting in a restaurant was a little mundane when in Rome, so we grabbed a slice of pizza each from a corner shop and wandered through the streets, all alive and buzzing at dusk.

After about half an hour we arrived at the pantheon, all the tourists heading home.

"It's closing Luke." I moaned, tugging his hand away.

"That's ridiculous it isn't closing." He waltzed towards a guard and started speaking italian to him. I had no idea what he was saying since the only italian i knew was from assassins creed, but eventually the guard nodded, stroking his wispy beard, and let us through.
"Told you so." He smirked, leading me in.

"What happens when it rains?" I wrinkled my nose, arching my neck and staring into the circular hole in the roof.

Suddenly, Luke's phone pierced through the tranquility. He swore, reading the text.

"Cleo we're going to have to cut this short, they need us home." His eyes were full of concern and irritation. 

"To the hotel, or..." My heart dropped a little.

He shook his head, "Home." He looked as deflated as I felt.

I sighed, "Alright, let's go."

He grabbed my hand as I walked out, pulling me towards him.

"What?" I frowned up at him.

"Just before we leave." He smirked, flashing his teeth, and brought his lips down to mine once more.

Cleo Hart: Intelligence by DefaultWhere stories live. Discover now