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Seeing as the Gryffindor quidditch team was having try outs, and Hermione was going down to watch, and Harry was the captain, and Ron was trying out, I was left by myself. I would have went to watch, but Harry knew I was captain for my team and didn't want me "spying".

So, I felt no shame in sleeping on on the chilly Saturday. I made my way out of the girl's dorms and down to the common room, where I expected to find my boyfriend.

Only, he wasn't there. I frowned and made my way over to Blaise, who was finishing up his Arithmancy homework at one of the tables.

"Hey, Zabini," I said to get his attention.

"Hello, Potter. What can I help you with?" He asked, setting his quill down and looking up at me.

"I was just wondering- have you seen Draco at all?"

I thought I saw something flicker in Blaise's eyes, but I figured it was a reflection of the lake from the window and ignored it. "No, sorry. He wasn't in the dorms when I woke up- he must've gotten up pretty early."

I nodded a little and glanced away, my gaze on the boy's dorm door. Draco has been so odd recently, but I knew there wasn't anything I could do because it didn't concern me. Sure, I'm his girlfriend and I'm there for him, but he obviously was never mad at me. If anything, it was starting to seem like I was his safe haven.

"Want to go down to breakfast? I'm starving," Blaise sighed and stood up, dropping his parchment and quill into his bag.

"Yeah, sounds good," I nod again, and together we left the common room and headed to the Great Hall.

Later on in the day, I still hadn't seen much of Draco. However, I couldn't worry about it now, because I was walking with Harry, Ron, and Hermione down to Hogsmeade for the first trip of the season.

"How'd your try out go, Ron?" I asked the ginger as we walked through the heavily falling snow. I tightened my Slytherin gloves and scarf, and pulled my jacket closer.

"Great!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Well, it started off a little rough, going against Cormac McLaggen. But I did better, and now I'm Keeper!"

"Congrats! I'm proud of you," I ruffled his hair under his hat and he grinned, pushing my hand away. I noticed Harry and Hermione share a look, but I didn't know what about.

"How about you? What did you do all day?" Harry asked me.

"Absolutely nothing," I sighed. "I tried looking for Draco, but he was nowhere to be found. Mostly just caught up on work with Blaise Zabini."

Harry suddenly stopped walking and I followed his gaze ahead of us to see Professor Slughorn walking towards the village. He looked at me, and we both remembered Dumbledore telling us to get closer to him.

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