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The following weekend I was much more sober and ready to go to Slughorn's dinner party. As far as I kew, Blaise had also been chosen, along with Harry and Hermione. I walked down the common room a few minutes before it started and saw Blaise waiting for me.

"Ready?" he asked, offering his arm.

I grinned and took it. "Honestly, no."

Before we exited completely, I turned to spare a wave to Draco, who was in one of the chairs, but he was paying no attention to me. I felt a pain in my heart that I've been feeling too much lately and turned back around, exiting the common room.

"You don't have to put up a front, Potter. I know he's getting to you," Blaise said gently as I tried to hide the few tears that fell from my eyes.

"I'm being stupid, aren't I?" I laughed bitterly. "He ignores me a few times and doesn't talk to me as much and suddenly I think it's the end of the world and he hates my guts."

"Well, it is the end of the world, isn't it?" Blaise asked and laughed, but my glare shut him up. "Listen to me, Malfoy cares about you. More than he'd like to admit. There's a lot of stuff happening with his family right now, and I just don't think he wants you to get caught up in it. He wants you to remain the pure and safe part of his life."

"But that's not how that works! I'm not just something he has control over. I want to be there for him, I want to help him with every part of his life-" I said, growing angry.

"You do," Blaise cuts me off. "You help him a lot. And you'd help him even more by just giving him the space he wants at times. He'll come around, but only when he's ready."

"Ready my ass," I grumbled as Blaise pushed open the door to Slughorn's room and held it for me.

"Ah, yes, the beauty of relationships," He grinned sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and walked into the room, him following me.

"Potter, Zabini, welcome, welcome!" Slughorn called energetically. I saw Harry and Hermione sitting with Neville at one end of the table and waved to them a little, but all the seats around them were taken. So Blaise and I took two near the other end.

Eventually, all of the students drifted into the room, fifth years being the youngest and seventh years being the oldest. We had our dinner first, obviously, all while talking amongst each other. It was when large bowls of ice cream were served was when Slughorn started asking students questions.

"So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?" He turned to Cormac McLaggen, who was seated next to him, and who had been staring desperately at Hermione all evening.

"Yes, sir," The boy answered. "In fact I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays."

"Oh, well, be sure to give them both my best," Slughorn nodded, looking impressed. McLaggen sent a glance to Hermione who looked as though she couldn't care less, bringing a smirk to my face.

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