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"What d'you mean you're busy?" I asked, absolutely furious at the boy standing in front of me who looked like he'd like nothing more to evaporate on the spot.

"I mean I'm, well, busy!" He cried, just as angry. "I can't go with you- sorry." He added, glancing at me.

"Draco, you're my boyfriend! This is a party where we can invite guests," I seethed. "And you're saying you can't go with me?"

I had just asked him if he'd go to Slughorn's Slug Club Christmas party that was nearing. The whole of November had passed without any events. Ron was somehow still with Lavender, Hermione has not spoken to him since, and vice versa, Harry still watches Draco on the Marauder's Map since he's suspicious of him, and Draco has still been going missing for periods of time and is as dodgy as ever.

"Why are you emphasizing those words as if I don't know what they mean?" He glared at me.

"Well, do you?" I exclaimed in an exasperated tone, throwing my arms up before letting them fall.

Draco scoffed before crossing his arms and saying, "Sorry that I'm the worst boyfriend ever because I can't attend your stupid party where there will be other guests.

"Using them in a sentence doesn't mean you understand them." I also crossed my arms. "And I never said you were the worst boyfriend."

"That's how it sounded."

"That's how you're acting!"

Madam Pince, the librarian, shushed Draco and I. We noticed many other students in the library had looked up from their work and were watching us argue. Draco rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, pulling me between the bookshelves.

"Draco, you know I don't think you're a bad boyfriend. I just wish you'd stop disappearing and then acting like it's my fault when I only asked where've you been or what're you doing." I glared at him.

"Stop asking," He shrugged. "There's some things that I just want to keep to myself. Is that so hard? Shouldn't be, especially after you kept the fact you were in a secret club against the Ministry last year-"

"For good reason!" I whisper-yelled instead of actually shouting. "I really can't believe you right now. You're being absolutely ridiculous."

"Oh, I am? Brilliant, really, yeah- that's wicked," He sneered and nodded before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You're so bipolar! One minute you're kissing me and saying you love me and saying I keep you happy, the next you're avoiding me and being a prat like you are now-"

"There's just a lot on my mind, okay?" He stopped me, looking up. "There's... a lot on my mind."

"Join the club," I scowled. We glared at each other a moment more before I leaned off of the bookcase. "I'm leaving. See you in the common room. Or, maybe, I won't."

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