Tourist Trapped: Part 1

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The bus ground to halt at the designated stop.

"Last stop, Gravity Falls. All bound please disembark now." The bus driver said over the inter com. Alerting a half lidded Mabel.

"Huh? Oh... Dipper, we're here." Mabel shook her brother awake.

"Nngh, five mor minutes." He responded. Receiving another shake. "All right, I'm up." He said. Mabel grabbed her bag, motioning for her brother to do the same. He did and they got off the bus. It was awkward down stairs meant for humans. It would be strange going to an almost purely human town. Excluding their Great Uncle of course.

The two held hands as they walked down the gravel path, away from the bus stop. Actually, it was more like three pieces of metal slapped together with duct tape around a bench. They turned up the right path, marked as the 'MYSTERY SHACK'. Their parents said that it was owned by their other uncle. Though, it may have been repossessed to Stanford after Stanley's untimely demise.

The two were forced to pick up the pace when the weather changed from slightly cloudy, to raining cats and dogs. A shack with the corresponding sign came into view. Dipper and Mabel clambered onto the porch sopping wet, and knocked on the door.

An old, gruff looking centaur answered.

"We're closed." Was his simple response before slamming the door. They knocked again. "You two again? What do you want?" He asked.

"I'm... Uh... w-we're-" Dipper tried to ask a question, but his voice was caught. So Mabel answered for him.

"Are you Stanford Pines, by any chance?" She asked.

"Yes. Who wants to know?" Stanford replied. His grey fur making him look menacing to Dipper.

"We're you Grand niece and nephew, we're staying for the summer." She answered. The man stepped back to allow the two passage with a grunt.

"I don't have anywhere else for you two to stay, so the attic will have to do. I honestly wasn't expecting anyone. I'll check to make sure later." Stanford ushered the twins up the stairs. Dipper lingered for a few seconds while he waited for his heart rate to calm down. "Do you need an invitation? Move it Bambi." Dipper ran up the stairs. "Yeesh kid." Stan said before going back to watching whatever he was watching in the first place.

Dipper quickly got into the bathroom. He practically slammed the door and slid down as best you could do with a deer's arse. He dropped his bag before searching through it. In a matter of moments, he found what he was looking for. A notepad.

He opened it, looking through to see the numerous sketches of the same Cervitaur Girl. They all had the same label, Daphne. He didn't know why, but she kept showing up in his dreams. He never met her... in his life... Ever.

Some of them were nice, like the girl siting on a log in the woods, or walking down a trail. Wading through water perhaps. Then, some weren't so nice. They showed her with tens, or sometimes hundreds of sharp objects piercing her body. In those, she had a creepily forced smile. Some showed her completely gutted. Organs strewn about the place. Once or twice, she was at a tree. She held her arms out wide in a protective way, as if something very dear to her was behind.

Dipper pulled a pencil out and drew in the hyper realistic strokes he had been blessed with. The scene was most odd, as it shows the girl, slumped against a wall with chains holding her down. She seemed beaten and worn down. Starved so her ribs were clearly visible. You could just barely see her eyes through that overgrown mop of a hairdo. The most shocking part of the drawing was what was to her right (your left.). A message. It read, Don't look for me. I'll find you brother. It was startling because he never felt like he had to draw words. Even if they looked like blood.

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