Chapter Two

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"Squirrelkit! Where have you gone!" Yowled Rabbittail. "Your father, Russetfoot, is here!" Squirrelkit raced over and felt her muscles rippling even though Squirrelkit was only a kit, but was still smaller than her littermates. Squirrelkit stalked behind Russetfoot and leaped on his back and he fell dramatically. He cuffed her ear and she bit his tail playfully. "Gah! The great leader Squirrelstar defeated me!" He fell limp. Squirrelkit yowled in accomplishment. Russetfoot pulled her off and set her down. "Alright, anyway I came to say that tomorrow your six moons old and Oakstar was wondering if you want to be a medicine cat?" A medicine cat! Pfft! I wanna be leader! Squirrelkit thought. "Never! I want to be a great leader like Firestar or Bluestar! I want to fight for my clan with my claws and teeth!" Squirrelkit announced proudly. Russetfoot looked at her and said "Ok, but do you think any of your littermates want to be a medicine cat?" Squirrelkit thought and said "Perhaps Dovekit?" Dovekit was Squirrelkits favorite littermate because she was actually nice to her. "Ok, thanks Squirrelkit!" Russetfoot purred. He licked Rabbittails cheek and padded to Oakstars den. Russetfoot was deputy of Thunderclan. "Rabbittail, why cant kits go to gatherings?" Squirrelkit questioned. "Because, dear, your legs couldn't carry you without slipping in streams and mud." Rabbittail replied with eyes full of warmth. "Oh, ok" Squirrelkit agreed.

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