Chapter Seven

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Squirrelpaw followed the rescue patrol back, she sighed and muttered "I should've noticed she was gone. This is my fault." Thrushpaw had a sly smile on his face. He padded faster and walked next to his mentor, Snakebite, and she whispered in his ear and Thrushpaw's ears flew up and he walked more confidently. Squirrelpaw sniffled and muttered "This is my fault. That should've been me." Smudgepaw yowled in her sleep "Death! Blood! Death! Blood!" We all looked in shock except for Snakebite, Thrushpaw, and Skullclaws. They shared knowing glances. Squirrelpaw tilted her head and put her ears down. She padded onward to the camp. She curled up in the apprentices den and slept. All she saw was blood. Blood everywhere. A blue cat padded out of the red mist as did a fire orange cat. They said in unison "The Lynx and Storm will have two. One of dark and one of light. The Squirrel whisker will fight and the snakes bite will betray with the thrush of the sky. The five will be one and defeat the everlasting darkness." The cats evaporated into red mist and Squirrelpaw jolted awake breathing hard. It was just a dream. Just a dream. But inside, she knew it was a prophecy.

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