Chapter Nine

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Squirrelpaw wandered the forest when she scented thrush. She hadn't hunted in days, it was four sunrises after her talk with Smudgepaw. The last time she hunted was the day of Smudgepaw's injury. When she was returning to camp, she had caught in all two thrushes, three mice, one rabbit, one vole, and two squirrels. She hunted since dawn. It was sunset now. She took four trips with all the prey. When she returned, the clan was so proud. Thrushpaw glared at her when she returned on her last trip. Snakebite whispered in his ear and he perked up. They padded out of camp together. She noticed Dovepaw looking alone so she called her over. "Let's follow Thrushpaw and Snakebite." She said to Dovepaw. Dovepaw nodded and they padded out silently. They saw them at a bush with Darkstar. Darkstar smirked and said "How many lives does Oakstar have left?" "Three, Darkstar." Snakebite said. Dovepaw almost gasped but Squirrelpaw smacked her tail over her mouth. She silenced her with a sharp glare. "I could kill him tonight Darkstar." Thrushpaw said proudly "I beat Lionclaws and Snakebite in one fight!" He said. "Because we let you win." Snakebite murmured. Thrushpaw looked angered and yelled "I said go your hardest!" She shoved him down and said "I didn't want to hurt you, arrogant furball" she smiled and nudged him up. Darkstar sat still looking annoyed. "When is the battle planned?" Snakebite said, shifting the awkward moment away. "Night after the gathering." Snakebite nodded and said "Will the Darkclan warriors be ready?" Thrushpaw jumped up and said "I'm gonna fight for the Place of No Stars, right! That's Darkclan right?" Darkstar hissed to silence the noisy apprentice. "Yes, remember, you tell nobody I am leader of the Dark Forest. They can't know I only have one life and if they kill me I disappear forever, for I am just a spirit." Squirrelpaw's jaws gaped. She always thought she was strange, but she didn't think she was a spirit. Squirrelpaw shook the thought away and dragged Dovepaw away fast. When they reached camp, Squirrelpaw muttered "We must tell Oakstar!" Dovepaw nodded and ran into Oakstar's den and said "Oakstar! We need to tell you something!" He jumped up and snarled. Fur flattening when he saw Squirrelpaw and Dovepaw. "What is it Squirrelpaw and Dovepaw?" He questioned. Squirrelpaw shared the whole story and he sat still with a blank expression on his face. Finally he said "Are you sure it wasn't other cats?" "Of course! We recognize our own clanmates! And I scented Thrushpaw and Snakebite's scents! I recognize my own littermate!" Squirrelpaw snarled. Oakstar just sat still then finally said "My warriors wouldn't do this." Squirrelpaw's jaws gaped and then she was filled with rage. "Dont your remember Tigerstar! When Bluestar was still leader, he was her deputy!" Squirrelpaw snarled loudly. He then said in his deep voice "Stop bringing up stories of Thunderclan's past! Go get sleep now! It's nearly moonhigh!" They hung their heads and curled up in their nests.

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