Where did i go?

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A/n:hey how are you guys?

Opening my TikTok app first thing as I wake up I click on a sound. I decided I'd do Doja cats like that for the sound. "Just like that come my way." She sang as I did my best to do the dance moves that came along with the song.

I posted it and captioned it where did I go? Putting my phone down on the counter I brushed my teeth and put on a pair of jeans and and put my bra on since I slept in a baggy t-shirt.

"Neal." I said in a sing-song voice. "Come on get up." I said as I straddled his figure. "Mhmm 2 more hours please." He groaned as I placed my hands on his chest and smiled as I had an idea. Grabbing his hand I placed on my bra and the other to caresses my face.

"Okay I'm up- babyy." He said as he noticed what I was doing. "I'm guessing you want to spend our morning this way huh?" He said motioning towards me being on top of him.

"Maybe." I said as I was getting off of him, only to be pulled back and be attacked with a shower of kisses. "Mhmm, your so beautiful in the mornings." He murmured, his hands gripping the loops of my jeans.

"Neal come on, let's go get some coffee." I begged as I walked to put on a shirt. "Fine, only because it's my day off." He said heading to the bathroom. "Hey cutie with the booty." He said as I was in the bathroom now brushing my hair.

"Neal, you know I hate when you do that." I said as he kissed my neck teasingly. "It's true honey you do have a cute butt." He said as he as squeezed my hips causing me to yelp because it tickled. "I see were very jumpy this morning." He smirked as he washed his hands.

"I'm gonna head to the station for a bit, I'll be back." He said kissing me as he was out the door in 5 minutes. "While he's gone might as we'll continue the chapter." I stated as I grabbed my Mac book.

A couple hours into my new chapter I heard the door open and a very distressed Neal. "Hey honey, what wrong?" I asked as I got up to hug him. "I... I, we need to talk Zoe..." he said his face very concerned as he grabbed my hands and sat me down on the couch.

"Uh sure what's up?" I said as I was trying not to think the worst but couldn't help but prepare myself. He sighs as he rubs his eyes and his mouth. "Neal, it's okay, whatever you have to say... say it." I say hesitant in my own words as I felt something bad was happening.

"Zoe... you know I love you with every fiber being." He breathed in afterwards and continued slowly. "You know is never purposely hurt you but I've been thinking... and it's time I'm honest with you. I know you feel we're working out our relationship but you see how busy I am and how much I leave you alone." He said as his eyes weld up with tears. "What're you saying?" I asked as my own eyes were getting perked with tears. "Zoe what I'm trying to say is we're not working out but I never want to hurt you." He said looking up into my cloudy hazel eyes.

"Oh fuck off Neal you know I'm hurt!" I blurted as I stood up and wiped my eyes as my tears spilled. "Oh wow Zoe real mature." He said as there was a knock on the door. He walked over towards the door and saw mozzie and told him come back later. "Oh I'm the one being mature!!" I yelled as I threw a book near him. "I gave you everything and yet your still in love with her! Your in love with your ex girlfriend still and that's why our relationship is only based on sex! It's not love it's lust!" I yelled as I started sobbing. "You should've told me you never wanted me before you even asked me to be your girlfriend!" I sobbed as my eyes burned already. "Zoe... it's not like that." Neal said as he tried to hug me, I shrugged him off as I walked towards the guest room.

"Zoe!" Neal called out as I juts ignored him and sat down on the small piano bench and started to play a small sad tune. My tears mixing with each note I pressed down on. "Oh I miss him so much I cried out as my hand covered my teary hazel eyes. "Why didnt he stop me from leaving." I called out to myself as I thought about him.. the one who made my life so much better.

Later that night Neal was fast asleep and I started to pack all my belongings. Grab my suit case full of my clothes I had and all my personal hygienic stuff. Leaving nothing behind as I placed all my stuff in my car.

Driving straight to where I hoped I could only go in this hard time. Turning the car off I walk up to the door that held some of my best and new memories when I moved here. Behind this door was the one person I still lived I just only wish he loves me back still.

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