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A/n: ahh I'm so excited, book 3 is almost out and it's so soon around this time during the summer!

My alarm buzzed as my morning playlist began to play. Along outside the normal hustle and bustle outside of my big flat in Beverly Hills. I groaned as I gently rubbed my eyes of the sleep in them as I dragged myself into my white and grey bathroom. Picking up my toothbrush and wetting it, pushing out some toothpaste.

The paste turning into bubbles as I gently brushed my bottom and top layer as the brush gently, scraped the roof of my mouth and my tongue of it's bad smell. Repeating the process so I'd be confident enough to be pleased my smile for my big Vogue photoshoot today.

I made me a cup of iced coffee as I made my way towards my room into my big walk in closet picking out a pair of blue trousers and my white glossed ankle booties as I picked a white blouse with a Tie-able string so it could form a bow.
Putting on a similar blue blazer as I put on some hemp oil to moisturize my face, as I primed my face with my primer than adding some light foundation.

Adding a small dot of concealer with a blender I blended it into my pale skin that showed some of my small freckles. Adding a primer on my eyes I did a brown fox eye makeup look and added some chapstick as I cleaned up my vanity after i used my products.

Gracefully I grabbed my car keys with by mini leather blue keychain as I grabbed my bag and headed down towards the photoshoot area, where afterwards I'd have to answer questions for an interview.
"Zoe your early!" Ronnie said as she hugged me. "Yup I'm trying to be more productive for my job." I said to my photographer. "Well I'm glad, your gonna make my job and Sarah's easier." She smiled as she took me by the hand and sat me down on luxurious couch that was grey.

"Give me sweet cheeks Renée." Ronnie said as that made a small buy beautiful smirk play on my lips. "Good good." Ronnie said as she rearranged myself in the couch so I could slouch. "Good good give me sexy, like I'm cool so call me vibes." She said and I toyed a playful smirk as they handed me a phone. "Good good, Zoe can you act like your on the phone please." Ronnie said as she captured my every move.

"Alright that's a wrap Renée, go on ahead to the interview area." She said as she lightly tapped my bum. "Hey! Leave my bum alone." I laughed as I shook the hand of the interviewer. "Hi Zoe how're you!" The beautiful young boy said as he gently shook my hand. "I'm doing good how're you?" I said as I smiled when he said he was good as he chuckled. "Well let's get started shall we... uhm sorry what was your name?" I asked as my small porcelain smile toyed on my lips. "Oh I'm Connor." He said with his cheeks displaying a light blush. "It's okay to be nervous Connor, to be honest I'm nervous as well." I said placing my hand generously on his hand.

"Well Ms. Zoe Marshall, lets get started." He said putting on a professional act. "Well hello Vogue magazine, I'm here with ms. Zoe Marshall, and we are going to be answering some of the most googled questions." He said as he smiled towards the camera. "Now Zoe is any of these are uncomfortable for you, you don't have to answer." He Warner as he read the first card. "How old is Zoe Marshall." He read as he look at me, waiting for my response. "I'm 25, I'll be 26 on August 21." I replied with a smile waiting on the next question. "Does Zoe Marshall have a boyfriend?" He read as he smiled gently towards me. "Haha, well yes I do, but I don't want to bring him into the life of fame." I said as I toyed with my trousers belt loops. "Is Zoe Marshall engaged?" He asked as he for my answer. "No, hopefully not soon, I think I'm to young to get married." I said as I moved my hair over towards my other shoulder.

"Does Zoe Marshall own a pet?" He asked again as he smiled widely on this one. "Yes I do I have a beautiful baby girl calico cat named Marley, most of my followers know because I usually post Instagram stories of her or post pictures of her asleep on her account." I said with a wide smile chuckling a bit. "Okay last one does Zoe Marshall live in Beverly Hills?" He asked as he was more serious on this one. "I do but I want to move out onto Santa Monica, live down by the ocean so I can get a bit more tanner." I laughed as gripped the chair. "Well thank you for being very honest Zoe." Connor said as his green eyes locked on mine. "Well thanks for having me, and thank you for being so nice." I said as I walked away after the camera cut as the interview ended.

"You were great Zoe! We really got to see you in your own vibe." Ronnie and Sarah said at the same time. "Well thanks you ladies." I said jokingly taking a bow. "Well it was fun today but I'm gonna hey going, girlies." I said as I got my keys and drive back to my place to chill. I didn't have anything other than my interview and photoshoot planned unless Sarah had more things planned than she let me know.

"Hey beautiful." I cooed at my cat as she ran towards me brushing against my leg. "Oh my baby, are you happy mummy's home?" I said as I placed her down on the couch and went to change in my room where I saw a delivery of roses. Taking of my jacket I pulled the note and read it. "To my bebe, check the front door for a surprise. Love- A." I internally cringed at this gesture as I did what it said waking to open the front door seeing Ambrose in joggers and a plain white T-shirt. "Hi." He said as he scooped me into a hug. "Hey am, what're you doing here?" I asked as it surprised me a bit. "Oh you know just checking to see if you still live here." He said jokingly, bet he just wanted to spend time with me.

"Well, should I get the pans ready so I can cook you chicken Parmesan?" I asked as he made himself welcome inside my home. "Why not bebs." He said as he brushed my cheek and kissed my lips. "Are you gonna help or you gonna make me your cooking slave?" I asked a gleam in his eyes said yes in a way as I said the word slave. "As much as I'd like that right now..." he said touching my waist line his breath warm against my cheek. "I'll help." He said gently slapping my bum. "Am! Stop!" I giggled as I went into my bedroom and changed into some checkered boxer shorts and a white shirt. "Oh, don't you look comfy huh?" He teased as I moved him out of the way with a hip bump. "Hey." He mumbled hurt. "Just help me." I teased as I prepped the chicken and a doing the rest as Ambrose cooked the chicken. "Do you remember how we met?" Ambrose suddenly said as we waited in the living room. "Oh god do I." I mumbled as grabbed my water bottle. "Well go on tell me how we met jog my memory." He says as his blue eyes search mine that're looking back at his.

"Well we met at grocery store and you were very helpful to grab me a pasta bag I couldn't reach." I said as I hope he'd not remember how we actually met. "Noo, that's not how we met bebs." He said as his eyes showed shock and slight disappointment. "We met at a club, you know the catacombs and that's were I offered to buy you a drink and we ended up having a good night along the way." He said smirking at the fond meme let that was engraved in his brain. "Well that's how we met but I preferred pg version." I said as I walked into the kitchen to check on the food. "Mmm. Delicious." I murmured as I pulled out the chicken and then grabbing the plates. "Am, dinners ready." I said as I placed both plates down on the dining table in my kitchen.

"Coming." He replied with a smile on his face. "We did good didn't we." He says as I was practically stuffing my face. "What? Oh dammit! I look like a pig don't I." I replied his eyes turning soft as he gently takes my hands. "As I told you before I like a girl that's not afraid of eating in front of me. To be honest I think it's a turn on for me seeing a girl, especially a girl like you eat without being all proper." He said as he gently kissed my cheek. "Well after this I have to go and check on my family. They're probably scolding my brother for being out late with his girlfriend." He replied with a chuckle. "I did enjoy meeting your family Ambrose but I didn't like how you lied to me about being a CEO of a shipping company." I said remembering how hurt I was when he told me everything was a lie. "Zoe, you know I said I was sorry about that, don't bring it up please, you know I couldn't sleep I'd barely even eat anything and when I didn't see you for weeks I felt awful." He said as he continued to hold my hand. "I just don't know why you didn't tell me sooner." I said as I looked down at my lap. Ambrose pulls my chin up as he continues on with what he's telling me. "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to want me because I had money." He said his eyes somber. "Ambrose, you know I love you, I'd never do that to you." I explained as I got up and placed a longing kiss to his lips. "Well you better get home, it's getting late." I said as I walked him out. "Bye bebs. See you soon." He replied as he got into his sports car and drove off.

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