Chapter One

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The only thing I guess I really believed in was that I would not have the life I would love. Why? Simple, science forbade it.

As I froze on the sidewalk I could see my bus approach too fast for comfort. It rolled by and stopped a mere ten meters away giving everyone else a chance to get a seat. I was the last person to get on and of course there were no seats. I stood at the front hoping Justin wouldn't notice me, but of course he did, I was the only one with thick white hair that flowed all the way down my back.

"Crystal!" He called from the very back of the bus "you can sit on my lap" everyone turned around waiting for my response. I gulped and blushed with the attention and shook my head no with a fake smile plastered on.

Everyone gradually started whispering again. They were all talking about Justin and me and our summer break up.

He was by far the hottest guy in the school and I wasn't quite sure why he had taken such an interest in me but he did and he still does.

Last year he was my science partner and asked me out two weeks later. I said sure and lost my close friends because I started to hang around with his friends' girlfriends and life got depressing. None of them were remotely acknowledgment of the outside high school world. They talked about the next football game, shopping and their new cheerleading routine. Not that I didn't like shopping but they didn't talk about anything else. I needed a break like a big break and I needed my real friends back.

So I broke up with him and my friends eventually forgave me. Summer was great exept for the random encounter with Justin. I guess I never really thought before I announced my break up what people would say about me or do to me. By the looks of everyone on the bus they didn't really look like they hated me but then again they are probably wondering what everyone else at school thinks .

As the bus stopped in front of the school I jumped and walked into the modern building. I stopped and shoved my bag against the wall in front of me. I glanced around making sure I wasn't in anyones' way then dove my hand in to search for my locker number.

My face fell; my locker was in the old building. I groaned all to loud. Just my freaking year. I would be late for every class.

I had twenty minutes until class it would take about five minutes to walk past the green to the old building. I needed to lighten my book bag though so I half ran half super walked to the building. The grass of the Green was wet from a random shower last night and my new white Converse were semi soaked. I open the creaking doors to the old building and my socks squished as I walked to my locker. No one else was here because there was only around five other lockers in the building.

My locker was rusty and wailed when I opened it. I sellotaped my timetable to the door and pushed in my useless books. Ah that was better I thought as I measured the weight of the bag with my hand. Taking my shiney new lock out of my pocket I closed the door.

I jumped and let out a little scream when I saw a guy leaning against the wall beside me, his eyes were staring into mine. I felt electrafied, the hairs on my arms and legs lifted. His eyes were ocean blue as I fixated on them I realised the colour of his irieses weren't staying in the same place. They ever so slightly moved like waves.

I hopped when the bell rang indicting we had five minutes to first class. I didn't know what to say to the raven black hair stranger in front of me. So my mouth decided.

"Who the HELL are you?" I said not as strong as I predicted; I was still in awe for no reason I could think of. For some reason when I said hell, his ocean eyes lit up and his mouth turned to a smirk. I gulped not liking this situation.


"What?" I said confused.

"My name's Shade" His smirk grew wider when my eyebrows fused.

Shade how weird I thought. Who would call their child Shade.

I lingered there sussing him out and he just stood there anayzling me back. He had raven hair, tall standing around six foot something and incredible muscles but not too much just the... prefect amount. The last bell rang and i jumped; SHOOT! Late on the first day back of senior year!

"My name's Crystal" alkward "I'll see you around"

I couldn't shake the feeling of knowing him from somewhere. As I ran to class my back ached but I ignored it. I reached class and opened the door. Thank the heavens I thought; the teacher wasn't here yet.

I slid into an empty chair near the back and the door swung open with Mr. Jones revealing himself and a figure behind him. When the person materialized from the shadows it was Shade.

"Of course" I mumbled, the guy who stares at me is in this class, I know I'm being a hypocrite but he did it first.

Mr. Jones noticed my groans and smiled.

"Ms. Fay why don't you show our new student in Silverwater High "his gaze swept across the room "around for this period and why dosesn't Mr. Barbatos sit beside you too"

I gave him the evil eye which he just returned with a smile and picked up my bag.

"Come with me" I told Shade who followed me out of hell's classroom.

Please give me a star and comment on your thoughts of the chapter I would love to hear your feedback
Love you xxx -C

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