Chapter 3: The Winter Soldier

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3 days after Y/n was assigned as secretary...


It's been a couple of days since I've been assigned to Azur Lane, as the high commander's secretary. I got to meet a lot of new people, all from different backgrounds. I guess you can say that I'm starting to fit in.

But there were some negative issues too. There are a total of 5 commanders and 1 admiral on base. Commander Charlotte being one of them. I haven't met the admiral yet, but the 4 other commanders except for one are complete douchebags. They would say things like I don't belong or call me some pretty messed up names like "White Trash" or "The Pink eye".

I know that it's pretty bad, but their words never brought me down. I would just smile and wave at them, saying nice things to them. I never stooped down to their level.

The shipgirls, on the other hand, some have shown respect, while others still need me to earn their trust. Not a big deal. Respect is earned, not force. Belfast, Enterprise, Hornet, Wales, Illustrious, Unicorn, Cleveland, Javelin, Laffey, and Albacore seemed friendly enough. While I work in the office with Charlotte, Laffey would come in and ask if she could sleep on my lap. Speaking of working in the office. That's what I'm doing right now...

Y/n: I finished up a whole stack of papers, I walked over to Charlotte to hand them in. "Here is most of the work done, the more important issues are on top and the least important are on the bottom."

Charlotte: "Thank you Y/n, you've been a lot of help, thank you."

Y/n: "It's no problem, I'm your secretary, it's what I do." I said while smiling. "I'll go get you a drink, your lips are dry."

Charlotte: She was blushing slightly. "Th-Thank you?!"

I quickly got her an energy drink so that she'll stay energized. After she took a few quick sips, she asked me a couple of personal questions...

Charlotte: "So... How are you doing so far."

Y/n: "Not bad I would say, the other commanders are annoying, but other than that, it's all good."

Charlotte: "I see, glad to hear."

Y/n: "How are the two Dragon Empery girls doing, is Enterprise still recovering? I asked.

Charlotte: "Ping Hai and Ning Hai are fine, they've opened a business down at the beach. Enterprise is still recovering, Vestal will be here shortly."

Y/n: "I see... Yes, that's fine, better that everyone is safe and healthy."

Charlotte: "Hey, Y/n..."

Y/n: "Yes, Commander..."

Charlotte: "When we first met you, you said that you've lost your memories."

Y/n: "Yep, that is correct."

Charlotte: "Have you remembered anything yet."

Y/n: "Not really, I've been getting small flashbacks, but that's really it. I don't remember my first life... But I do remember my father."

Charlotte: "I see, what else do you remember?" She asked.

Y/n: "I remember a lot about my father... But I also remember a lot of bad memories..."

Charlotte: "Like what...?"

Y/n: "I remember people calling me names, bullying me, harassing me... I remember how they'll throw rocks at me, tell me that I'm a hellspawn... They hated me... Because I was different."

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