Part One

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"I think this is the last one y/n" Jimin said wiping the sweat off his forehead sitting down on a stool. "You know, I wasn't gonna say it, but, I think you owe me." His smile on display as he elbowed you playfully. "Fine."You said scowling at him trying to suppress your own smile. "But thanks for helping me with the boxes. I don't think I would have survived carrying all these boxes without you" You said as he chuckled standing up stretching his arms above his head making his shirt rise a little. "Anything for my dear friend." He said relaxing patting your back a little to hard. "But I have to head out now, I have to go pick my roommate up from work." He said walking towards the door. You tilted your head in confusion "Wait you have a roommate?" He turned around blinking also confused until he realized. "Oh right I forgot to tell you. But yeah, his name is Namjoon and he doesn't have a license so I drive him around when I can." You nodded understandably as he walked out the door. You sighed and looked around the room that was filled with boxes. I guess I can go ahead a start unpacking. You thought shrugging heading over to the kitchen to start unpacking the boxes.

It was Nighttime when you got done unpacking everything considering you didn't really own that much stuff. You looked around your apartment satisfied with the fast clean work you just did when a disturbing noise made you sigh and look down and your stomach. You were so focused on unpacking that you forgot to eat. There was no luck in trying to look in the kitchen for anything to eat since you just unpacked so you just grabbed your keys and walked out the door locking it behind you.

You didn't really feel like going grocery shopping this late so you just got some instant ramen that should last for about a week. You were walking towards your apartment building when you heard something behind you. You looked over your shoulder and saw nothing so you continued to walk almost reaching your door when you felt someone reaching for your shoulder. You dropped your bag full of ramen quickly turning around punching someone in the nose hearing a series of whimpers coming from what you asume was a man as he fell to the ground. You were about to run into your apartment when something caught your eye. A tail? You thought as you stared at the man squirming in pain on the ground curiously walking slowly towards him. He was wearing a black hoodie with what looks like dirty white hospital pants. You slowly reached down to touch him on his back. "Are you ok?" You said quietly but just loud enough for him to hear. He looked up at you with tears in his eyes. His hand were covering his bloody nose as he shook his head no. You noticed that under his hood that he had on were two big fluffy ears. You heard about hybrids before but never seen one in person in a long very time as they close to rare where you grew up. "I'm sorry. Let me help you clean that up." You said letting curiosity take over you as you helped him stand up walking him towards your door picking up your bag full of ramen on the way.

This is my first book that I actually plan on finishing so hopefully it turns out good....Enjoy 😚✌🏽

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